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[Questions] Gameplay questions

Started by DougTheC, May 13, 2022, 10:18 AM

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Quote from: RatedNaughty on Mar 19, 2024, 04:16 AM
Quote from: Goldo on Mar 15, 2024, 02:58 PM
Quote from: RatedNaughty on Mar 12, 2024, 07:29 AMUsing the v.03 version and on the no story mode run. If additional information is needed, please let me know.


1. Is there a way to possibly increase the amount of love a girl has? Tried various ways such as giving gifts/talking and other things but it seems to be locked at a certain level.
(I use the Augment mod and saw that some of the girls are stuck at 50 with -50 fear) example.

2. Is the tax lady trainer only works after the first tax season? I noticed that the tax lady did her job with the end day report of "Perks or etc: $#" for a while but lately it doesn't show up on the end report anymore.

3. How does one increase / improve the girls sanity?

Is there a way to fix it or is she generally not helpful after a bit.

1. After popular request a while ago Love is capped at +25/-25 per rank for slave girls, up to a maximum of +/-125. Rank up your girl to keep progressing.

2. Normally, starting from Chapter 2 the tax lady (not the banker, a different character) shows up every two weeks, once to announce the amount of the monthly payment and once to collect. There are then events that can happen after the player reaches 100,000 denars in taxes or more.

If you don't see the tax lady, then this is very likely a bug, please report it. This would mean you no longer pay taxes though, so you probably would have noticed?

3. In general, Sanity is a currency with limited supply that will eventually run out if you push it. The object of this is twofold: Encourage evil players to 'milk' some girls for powers and then discard them (consistent with an evil slaver playthrough), and avoid crazy scaling of some powers on a single girl that would be too OP otherwise. With that said, there are a couple of ways to increase Sanity:
- Ranking up provides 5-18 extra sanity, depending on luck and personality.
- Sending a girl to the lunatic asylum has a 60% chance of refunding a small amount of sanity (2-12). This is a last resort if you don't want to lose the girl's mind permanently, so you shouldn't rely on that.
- Some effects also reduce Sanity loss.

My apologies that I didn't specify the tax lady. I meant when you use her as an assistant in the no quest mode. Since, when you use her as an assistant; it's supposedly help reduce the amount of tax you would have to pay. But it's quite difficult to accurately tell if it's actually working or not.

Also, thank you very much answering my questions on the other part. Shame that there's no way to fix sanity since it kind of bugs me when the girls are doing well but have the "Frail" on the sanity.

Ok sorry, it's working but what happens is that the tax lady applies the discount to the income amount behind the scene, so if you calculate your savings based on the net income she announces to you, you will think there is no change. I will change that to make it clearer.

As for sanity, it's a good point. Sanity is for farm powers but it is not obvious for new players; I will make it an option to display it outside of the farm screen and disable it by default.
Maker of BK. Looking for the latest patch for BK 0.2? The link doesn't change, so bookmark it!


Hey guys! I'm going into this game again but I'd like to be more efficient this time since its my 3rd time playing this game. I never really gave it much thought when it comes to teaching girls their skills, I usually trained one skill at a time until almost the maximum (for the skill at that point in time).

Is there a more efficient training method? Do they gain XP for the skill while working (and is it enough XP to the point where I just have to train them to be willing to work it).

Is it better if all girls whore or should I keep it a mix of entertainers and whores at the same time. Is half shifting worth it?

Is group the best possible option for them to work or do I have to have variety among the workers?

These are the things that I'm really not sure about and I'd love any help you guys can give me. Thank you so much :)


Quote from: Finisky on May 02, 2024, 06:38 PMHey guys! I'm going into this game again but I'd like to be more efficient this time since its my 3rd time playing this game. I never really gave it much thought when it comes to teaching girls their skills, I usually trained one skill at a time until almost the maximum (for the skill at that point in time).

Is there a more efficient training method? Do they gain XP for the skill while working (and is it enough XP to the point where I just have to train them to be willing to work it).

Is it better if all girls whore or should I keep it a mix of entertainers and whores at the same time. Is half shifting worth it?

Is group the best possible option for them to work or do I have to have variety among the workers?

These are the things that I'm really not sure about and I'd love any help you guys can give me. Thank you so much :)
If you're really looking for a good strategy, I find myself always investing my skill points into charisma. Charisma I think is the best because you can raise stats of the characters far quicker, for example training constitution will succeed way more often and boost it by quite a bit if you have a lot of charisma. I suggest in your next playthrough trying a full charisma run. I would also pay attention to how each stat interacts with the game. For example, if you have a girl that you want to make a waitress, you should try and raise her charm and service and not focus too much on trying to raise her body stat. Now to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.

1. To gain XP they have to be working, the more customers they take on the more XP they gain. They Gain JP by performing well and pleasing the customers, so you must make sure the customers are decently satisfied to gain JP.

2. It really depends on the traits and what each girl individually is good at. For example, if one girl has a trait that gives her +1 waitress satisfaction, probably would be a good idea to make her a waitress. Ultimately it is up to you, but I personally like to have a mix of whores and workers depending on their traits.

3. Half-shifting is great imo and very energy efficient for the girls.

4. Group is not necessarily the best possible option. I don't know the exact math but from experience it is very high risk high reward if you do not gauge the girls energy correctly as her energy could easily deplete to 0 if she has a lot of customers and now you will have to wait until she fully regain her energy in order for her to work again. But she takes on a lot more customers, thus gaining more rep, xp, jp, etc. and of course, revenue.

Hopefully this helps  ;D 


Quote from: Finisky on May 02, 2024, 06:38 PMIs there a more efficient training method? Do they gain XP for the skill while working (and is it enough XP to the point where I just have to train them to be willing to work it).
Agree with AlolanNineTales says. Charisma, if not your main stat, should pretty much always be your secondary one and not neglected. And to add to it:
1) I believe bisexual is the most optimal one, based on comments I've read. However, in general, I don't find whoring to be worth it early on in the game. The regular jobs take less time/effort and pay better at that stage, as the customer quality just isn't good enough, you lack the perks, and you run that risk of a girl winding up out of energy. Train the girls to get ready for when the time comes (basically chapter 3), sure, but work the entertainment side of things first.

2) Avoid spending poorly. Less is more when it comes to the entertainment rooms. If you only have 4-8 girls, you don't want all four entertainment types unlocked. And, personally, I find it better to have a room upgraded to its max rank before opening up another type of room. And I'd say to get the furniture that lets you shift the preferences of customers to those rooms... but those don't seem to be working in the 0.3 beta build. The allowance given to girls by default is greater than what you need to maintain 0 zero mood mod. Lower it to save money.

3) Player actions are a limitation, as is the fact that energy the girl spends training with the player is energy not spent making money. So, ideally, you want girls trained enough to work, and then move on to training the next girl. Just keep in mind the satisfaction bit... you don't want your best girls working with customers that are beneath them skills, and you don't want girls that lack the skills to please high rank customers to be working them. Tailor what clients they serve.

4) Overall, unless you're save scumming or know exactly where to look, I don't think it matters much. Finding the ninjas will be what holds you back, more than training the girls. 3 girls, 3 times, 6 possible rooms per girl, it generally winds up being that you're ready to move on to the next chapter long before the ninja quests lets you.


Quote from: Mudpony on May 06, 2024, 11:57 AM
Quote from: Finisky on May 02, 2024, 06:38 PMIs there a more efficient training method? Do they gain XP for the skill while working (and is it enough XP to the point where I just have to train them to be willing to work it).
Agree with AlolanNineTales says. Charisma, if not your main stat, should pretty much always be your secondary one and not neglected. And to add to it
Quote from: AlolanNinetales on May 05, 2024, 11:30 PMIf you're really looking for a good strategy, I find myself always investing my skill points into charisma. 
Thank you both! In general I find I already incorporate most of your tips in my gameplay already! For example, I max my charisma first and half shift a lot. I did also notice that sex acts aren't that frugal in the beginning. Thank you for both again for your inputs, I will continue playing as I do right now! Also, I apologize for the late reply.  ;)


Quote from: Finisky on May 23, 2024, 10:22 PMThank you both! In general I find I already incorporate most of your tips in my gameplay already! For example, I max my charisma first and half shift a lot. I did also notice that sex acts aren't that frugal in the beginning. Thank you for both again for your inputs, I will continue playing as I do right now! Also, I apologize for the late reply.  ;)
Yup yup. Since my reply, I have done a bit more playing, testing a few things. From that, I would slightly refine what I said to include the following:
1) The Player is the best early Zodiac sign, with the +2 job capacity.

This gets you more money, more chances to skill up, and all that. With more money, you can afford more upgrades, better weapons for your girls, the skill books so they can get bonuses to their satisfaction rolls, sooner, and so on. It also pairs really well with half-shifting. That gets you consistent daily income, rather than the usual variations based on who is working when.

And if going this route, I'd also recommend horizontal investment rather than vertical when it comes to the rooms. With 4 girls, unlock all 4 jobs, rather than having fewer jobs with the upgrade to the rooms I recommend earlier. I do still recommend not over-investing in a brothel in the early chapters, though. Just now it is more not getting extra rooms for girls (you'll get the rooms for free when moving to the next chapter anyway) and not upgrading the entertainment job rooms too much.

Assuming obedience is at an acceptable level, up constitution to max on the girls, and it is helpful to snag a few constitution boosting items as well. Higher con = higher max energy = more energy gained when resting. If a girl does get a bit low on energy (typically due to you training them), reward them with a day off.

If you want to take a bit further, it pairs really well early on with Courtesan. That gives you the half-shift resting bonus, which is handy if you train all your girls, plus the "first X" stuff goes great with half-shifting. However, this is one that drops off a bit as you go further into the game, due to increased capacity due to stats, sign bonuses, and brothel improvements mean the first X stuff becomes a smaller percentage increase, and the "energy recovery" things found late in the character classes can make it so that your girls can work full time, 7 days a week.

2) Get your girls weapons. I like to give them at least the hook claw one, for +2 def. One of the traits that gives +2 def to the girl herself is very nice to have on your first girl, since RNG can hose you as to what the shop has to offer, and you won't have access to the weapon shop yet. But if all the girls have +2 def, then events will rarely hurt them.

3) If a girl does get hurt, the farm is your friend. Sadly, you can't just send a girl to the farm to rest, but you can send her there by punishing the girl (for getting hurt, of course), picking the farm punishment. Just pick the 1 day option. Will cost you a little bit, stat-wise, but no biggie. Then bring another girl from the farm to fill the now empty space, a girl who can work and make you money. Alternately, an injured girl can still be rewarded with sex, so you can take advantage of her not spending energy working to train up the one on one sex skills, but then you are paying her her full allowance.


I haven't played BK in quite a while, because I hadn't seen an update in a couple of years. But going through this thread, I'm seeing things that I don't remember from when I played--evil farm powers, pirates, etc.

When I go to the link for the BK 0.2 patch, it still says, "Uploaded: 2022-07-11 16:25:43". Is there something newer?


Quote from: Tienteaser on Jun 18, 2024, 09:01 PMI haven't played BK in quite a while, because I hadn't seen an update in a couple of years. But going through this thread, I'm seeing things that I don't remember from when I played--evil farm powers, pirates, etc.

When I go to the link for the BK 0.2 patch, it still says, "Uploaded: 2022-07-11 16:25:43". Is there something newer?
Yes but it's not a stable release yet.