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[Feedback] Gameplay and Balance discussion

Started by Goldo, May 18, 2022, 02:32 PM

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Suggestion to make girl upkeep based on thresholds and not a bar. I'm kind of a minmaxing player and I tend to play on the harder difficulties. So minmaxing girl's upkeep for every gold is important for me lol. After you start to get rank B or A girls, managing their upkeep just right before they hit the next threshold to decrease or increase their mood is tedious (with the bar system).

I propose a system where you can just left click or right click to get to the next threshold.

Cmiiw I think the current thresholds right now are -20, -10, -8, -4, -2, -1, 0, 1...etc to mood. Say if the 0 mood for a girl's upkeep is 100g. Maybe have a system where you can just click to change that to whatever the lowest theshold for the next mood change is. Maybe that is 80g or something. I hope this makes sense.