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Brothel King / Re: [Feedback] Gameplay and Ba...
Last post by Goldo - Feb 02, 2025, 10:22 AM
Quote from: Gutsandguts on Jan 27, 2025, 08:07 PM
Quote from: Calob on Jan 27, 2025, 07:02 PMI think it's an issue that happens with Auto Rest? If all your girls are scheduled to work every day (because auto-rest is taking care of it) they won't show up at the beach. You'd only see a slave at the beach if they ask for the day off and you grant it, since it force-schedules them to rest

Nah it's not that I normally set up schedules manually and keep them the same basically the entire game. Sometimes I will save it and spam going to the beach 8 times a day for a week and the event never triggers.

Looking at some saves I have of the event triggering they were in Month 5, 6 and 7 so guess I'll wait and see if the event pops up closer to them. I always have it happen a lot at the start of the game and then never again until I get bored of a particular playthrough and start again, so it being a date thing makes sense here. Definitely not a schedule thing as I make sure every girl has 2 or 3 days off depending on their stamina or job, only Sunday, Monday and Wednesday do they all work.

I guess I could expand the seasonal availability of these events or remove it entirely by saying the climate in Zan is really mild all year round or something. My original idea was to have more of these seasonal events but to be realistic this is far from a top priority.
Brothel King / Re: [Feedback] Gameplay and Ba...
Last post by Goldo - Feb 02, 2025, 10:21 AM
Quote from: zapdose on Jan 19, 2025, 05:28 AMUI could be an issue! I have no coding knowledge to be able to say anything towards that, or much of this recommendation for that matter. I'm mainly spitballing for three different things.
    One is to have your girls be able to have more sex interactions beside the whoring job at the brothel or training. I tend to like to have certain girls do jobs based on personality, or if for some reason I become attached to some, I dont like putting every girl through the brothel(it could just be me doing this for all I know though lol). I just feel like there could be more scenes that could happen if certain stats were high or low, rest I feel could be expanded on.   

Keep in mind that some players want to play their girls as waifus, and I once had to quell a nascent player rebellion by including an option to disable random customer events for girls. So at the very least this would need to be optional or I'm sure I'll get many complaints. But it seems like it could be easily incorporated into a mod that adds more nightly random events, in fact one that would require very little coding (*wink wink*).

QuoteThe second is more variety in image pack usage, it feels like a lot of the fixation/farm images can make up pretty big parts of packs(both the ones I either made or downloaded at least) I feel like there could be some cool ways to be able to implement those. The depravity stat would kinda be attached to fixations, but lets say for example your girl is on rest, and decided to go to town. She gets heckled by a random guy. no libido, no depravity, she gets mad and yells at the man(you might loose rep from it idk). low lib  no depravity she simply ignores the guy(higher the lib, the better she interacts with him). med-high lib low dep, she might flash the guy, or kiss him etc(possible +rep/buffs). High-max lib high dep, she takes him to an alleyway maybe brings his friends, you know the rest. Depravity is more similar to when you train the girl, she will do more acts in the brothel, this is just the same but for more autonomous interactions, both in the bar, geisha, etc and in the girls free time. depravity might not be the right word, promiscuity probably fits better The fixations part would just be an increased % chance of the girl doing/avoiding certain acts. As for the how the MC can see this stuff, I assumed the weekly reports were partially omnipresent.

It seems like a lot of additional mechanics for the simple outcome you want (more use of fixation pics). Randomizing customer encounters to sometimes include fixation scenes would solve this with very little incidence over other game mechanics. As for farm pictures, I am not a fan of mixing them with regular brothel operations. In my mind players should be able to ignore farm events entirely if they so choose, outside of hard-coded story events.

QuoteThird is having a couple more stats would make it so players could have a more malleable girl for personal preferences. I know that there are some people that play these games and dont want the girls to sleep with anyone beside them, and just run the bar, be a dancer, etc but no sex beside the MC. I know there are people who like to corrupt innocent people into deprived sluts. With some extra stats, you could control how willing the girl will go with you or other people(beside just checking the sex lvl boxes you unlock during training) promiscuity might affect how open your girl might act towards others, along with how lewd the action is. Something like devotion or something, getting too low will cause them to not really be sexully attached to you. This being different than loyalty or love, since low loyalty is more about them actually listening to you as a master, and love is kindness shown towards your MC. There is also more incentive to pay attention to girls or not put them into degrading positions if you are someone who wants them to only love you and not sleep with other people, just adds a little more player interaction in that sense.

Honestly these stats are already in the game, love and trust are very close to what you describe, and other parts of what you describe is covered by the obedience and libido skills. I don't see a lot of value in creating a new stat for devotion that is not already measured by these, it sounds like it would confuse most players, and it would be a ton of work to integrate it properly.

QuoteOk, Final thing that could tie into this stuff are perks. There could be perks where the girl could slowly gain or loose these stats to help pad the player's preferences. There could also be perks where these normal sex interactions with others that might not give you much normally could have the girl charge them money afterwards, and give you part of the share. There could also be either passive acquired perks from the farm, or on a tree where the girl could become a size queen(preference towards big dick tag and maybe gets buffs,etc) or monster lover, where she has a higher chance to go into the forest to find a tentacle monster to do things with in her free time. There could be a perk where she gets sentimental about a special day with you and jumps your bones, or gets turned on at a location and has a very high chance of a sex interaction with the MC. Perks have an endless possibility to add more interactions with the game imo. 

I guess perks would help with giving players control over these events at least (see my first point), but it may introduce some issues:
- Will these perks replace current ones, and if so, how will it affect balance?
- If these perks are just evolutions of current ones, how do you make sure players are not frustrated because they only wanted the perk boost, not the events?
- If this is a separate perk tree with no in-game effects besides unlocking events, how do you balance it against making girls weaker by 'wasting' a perk point? Why even make it a perk tree at all?

I would recommend working on events first (because without them, this perk tree would be pointless anyway), then consider adding perks manually through these events by giving players choices. Integration with existing perk trees and perk points can wait until you have a well-working proof-of-concept.
Brothel King / Re: [Questions] Gameplay quest...
Last post by Goldo - Feb 02, 2025, 09:51 AM
Quote from: Jman on Jan 20, 2025, 01:00 AMYeah, I'm not sure why fully breaking her doesn't complete the task. Perhaps the brothel story is supposed to continue for another beat that hasn't been written yet?

This error seems to be a placeholder for more Mizuki events to come. A bit sloppy of Goldo to leave it like that. :-\

Yeah it should be fixed in today's patch but basically I removed the placeholders while doing tests on Mizuki's story and mistakenly left the code 'unprotected'. Sorry about that.
Brothel King / Re: Thinking about F95 reviews
Last post by Goldo - Feb 02, 2025, 09:45 AM
Quote from: Jman on Jan 27, 2025, 08:52 AMWell, implementing 'bad' and 'good' 'gacha pulls' beyond the already existing 'gold'/'positive' dichotomy will by definition be unbalanced, since it necessitates that some traits are less useful than others. Trait King generally tries to keep them roughly similar withing the 'gold', 'positive', 'negative' and 'improved negative' categories, even if the overall power level is greater and not all traits apply to all circumstances. So, yeah, I don't know if it's necessarily a good idea if balance is your concern.

And this also leads to 'strong' traits (the good 'pulls'), which I think Goldo didn't like at least a while ago?

I mean, I'm all for really strong traits and perks, but I'm me. ;D

Leaning in that direction would mean unlocking this kind of traits towards the mid to end game, when customization through training perks etc. would be less of a concern. We could also imagine girls that have stronger potential rather than stronger inborn traits: for instance, higher skill cap or all effects from certain perk trees are strongly improved. Still, it encourages certain builds but I guess if it comes late-game I would mind it less.

Another thing that could be done would be to make it a specific game mode, gatcha-mode or something, and inform the player that game balance flies out of the window when activating it.
Brothel King / Re: Base game 0.3T images on a...
Last post by Goldo - Feb 02, 2025, 09:37 AM
Quote from: dxsnusnu on Jan 26, 2025, 07:39 PMOn the weekend had more time,
Was curious to see if the images even worked,
checked the stackoverflow jargon scripts to name change extensions on all rpy files,

Clicked to start the game and ... task failed successfully.

Renpy was throwing errors about missing png files on the "GUI" and the loading bar wasn't loading.
Learned that renpy engine is hardcoded to some png files, making them necessary, outrageous.
The preload bar also needs to be in png it seems.

Copied the hardcoded png files back, then also converted the gif and webm files,
just to try flex the new stuff learned.

Click to start again and ... here be dragons or so I thought.
Task actually successful, to my surprise.

Tested from Start to Endless mode (with cheats) and all worked.

Since am feeling smug after all these experiments.
If there is a need to encode the base game images, do tell, will do them if needed.

About waiting for v3 full, makes sense and tbh take your time,
doing only this took a bit of time and this ain't nothing as difficult as coding the game.

Just for reference made a copy of it, since any update will break the extension filename changes,
and this version has mods (needed to see if some worked).

Sorry for the English and long text, was feeling accomplished  ;D

Yes, some of the 'vanilla' GUI is Ren'Py's and it is not very flexible. Rule of thumb: if it wasn't a webp before, it's because it was hard-coded in Ren'Py (and maybe the occasional oversight).
Brothel King / Re: v0.3 Test Version (Aug. 24...
Last post by Goldo - Feb 02, 2025, 09:34 AM
New patch out solving above-mentioned issues (hopefully):
Brothel King / Re: [Announcement] Girl Pack a...
Last post by Hellouda - Jan 30, 2025, 10:42 PM
Quote from: Jman on Jan 30, 2025, 10:35 PMI'm pretty sure subdirectories are included in regular girl image search, so you no need to pack them all together. I think there was trouble with telling the game to ignore a subdirectory (neronero's Fran, possibly?), although perhaps this got sorted? Can't recall right now. :-*

Just out of curiosity, how did the WebP conversion screw up the images? Lower quality settings than intended?

Let's say the image resolution is cut off.
The top and bottom were cut out and you can only see the body, nothing else.
It was my mistake, the program I used had nothing to do with it, and I apparently already solved it.
Brothel King / Re: [Announcement] Girl Pack a...
Last post by Jman - Jan 30, 2025, 10:35 PM
I'm pretty sure subdirectories are included in regular girl image search, so you no need to pack them all together. I think there was trouble with telling the game to ignore a subdirectory (neronero's Fran, possibly?), although perhaps this got sorted? Can't recall right now. :-*

Just out of curiosity, how did the WebP conversion screw up the images? Lower quality settings than intended?
Brothel King / Re: [Announcement] Girl Pack a...
Last post by Hellouda - Jan 30, 2025, 08:55 PM
Well, I'm posting this because I've seen that I screwed up Ashe's images a bit when converting them to webp format (also with other girls, but Ashe's were pretty bad hahaha).
PS: I refuse to remake Erza and Frankie's, since they are not that bad, and because I am very tired :/

I spent a GOOD TIME fixing that problem, so I ask you to download them, if it bothers you to see the choppy images and so on.
What's more, now I've also been reordering my folders and you can download the images and/or videos according to what you want. Likewise with the file
I also add that I am uploading the packs to Mediafire, so I am also choosing other options.
Once I finish with this, I will create new packs so we can expand the catalog :D
If anyone knows a page where I can add names and you can vote, would you help me create new Girl Packs. I will also read your requests on the F95 page.

The latter is an idea that I would like to implement. I accept suggestions and criticism.
A hug to all ;)

PS2: you may have to put the images, videos and the bk.ini together in the main folder, since I don't know if the game will read the files when they are in separate folders. Someone try it and let me know.
Brothel King / Re: [Feedback] Gameplay and Ba...
Last post by Gutsandguts - Jan 27, 2025, 08:07 PM
Quote from: Calob on Jan 27, 2025, 07:02 PMI think it's an issue that happens with Auto Rest? If all your girls are scheduled to work every day (because auto-rest is taking care of it) they won't show up at the beach. You'd only see a slave at the beach if they ask for the day off and you grant it, since it force-schedules them to rest

Nah it's not that I normally set up schedules manually and keep them the same basically the entire game. Sometimes I will save it and spam going to the beach 8 times a day for a week and the event never triggers.

Looking at some saves I have of the event triggering they were in Month 5, 6 and 7 so guess I'll wait and see if the event pops up closer to them. I always have it happen a lot at the start of the game and then never again until I get bored of a particular playthrough and start again, so it being a date thing makes sense here. Definitely not a schedule thing as I make sure every girl has 2 or 3 days off depending on their stamina or job, only Sunday, Monday and Wednesday do they all work.