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HHS+ / Re: Feature requests and wishl...
Last post by asdf12348 - Today at 03:23 AM
Quote from: barteke22 on Today at 03:09 AMIdk what randomizer you mean, but that is the default behaviour if no location is provided. If a location is provided, then it's used.

I am on about the randomize button inside of the Student Timetable, It is next to the Clear and Custom Buttons on the right side of the interface. Currently pressing it assigns the selected class a random schedule for any slots with no active lesson however it assigns that slot to any random available classroom, what I am suggesting is that it checks for if the "Show Location" checkbox is enabled and if it isn't (Not showing locations) It should use the next available classroom for the random lesson instead of choosing a random classroom.
HHS+ / Re: [HHS+ 1.11] Official Relea...
Last post by barteke22 - Today at 03:10 AM
Bugfix patch See post #2 for instructions, post #1 for download.

- Removed Events\ExtensionLibrary\DailyEvents\RefreshOutfitLevels daily event since it has an equivalent NativeEvent.  Existing saves: It's harmless to leave it, but you can delete it.

Engine ffeb2f57 - 9d7ddb98:
- NotificationManager: Added nullcheck to avoid exception when it's disposed on the finishing tick.
- Themes: Skipping preloading of invalid assemblies.
- Removed Skill commands from Debug input.
- Typos.
- Added FindEventOverrides command for finding events overridden by or overriding current event.
- Changed UpdateAllEvents result window to CFE for jump support.
- VEE: Added Input > Outputs yellow highlight (inverse of Output > Inputs).
- LuaEditor:
-- Added unsaved progress exit confirmation.
-- Auto selecting first script.
-- Fixed Save button not updating.
HHS+ Mods / Re: [Mod] [Mods] barteke22's m...
Last post by barteke22 - Today at 03:10 AM
- PD_System:
-- Added some more lazy presets.
-- Converted Flip to Transform on some layers & updated presets.

- Stargazing: Fixed reference to Bells chain in VoyeurismGroup.
HHS+ / Re: Feature requests and wishl...
Last post by barteke22 - Today at 03:09 AM
Idk what randomizer you mean, but that is the default behaviour if no location is provided. If a location is provided, then it's used.
HHS+ / Re: Feature requests and wishl...
Last post by asdf12348 - Today at 02:39 AM
To enhance the student timetable randomizer, please implement the following logic:

Check the "Show Locations" Setting: If the "Show Locations" checkbox is disabled (You can't see the classrooms on the scheduler), assign students to the first available classroom (e.g., Classroom 1) instead of a randomly selected one.

I hope this is simple and easy to do, If it isn't then just don't worry about it but tbh its always been one of my annoyances with the randomizer. <3
HHS+ / Re: [HHS+ 1.11] Official Bug R...
Last post by barteke22 - Today at 02:03 AM
Carmen Smith is not a bug, she's simply the first teacher (so far) with hiring requirements (Classroom Biology).
Brothel King / Re: Girl Pack discussion threa...
Last post by YPJ - Feb 12, 2025, 11:27 PM
Quote from: Jman on Feb 12, 2025, 11:16 PMIndeed, but if they worked before, they'll still be trying to wear their uniforms to the whoring part if possible (not many packs have any '[job] [sex act]' images at all).

You can forbid the girls from doing the extra events, if you wish to reduce minmaxing. IMO, a management game is all about minmaxing. :D

I'll repeat my suggestion to tag WYSIWYG instead of trying to tag to the game's picture-fetching algorithms, which can change and can also be added on via mods or new features.
u so damn right.
i always tag what i see but sometime i get wrong images like sex scene when training naked. im trying to feel all situations for training like in document if possible. but its good call anyway.
HHS+ / Re: [HHS+ 1.11] Official Bug R...
Last post by FlowerCannon - Feb 12, 2025, 11:26 PM
Not sure what is causing this as I just downloaded today, but Carmen Smith is not available to be hired as a teacher at the start of the game, I had a look in debug and the only thing different is she doesn't have teacher in her title like the other teachers.

Brothel King / Re: Girl Pack discussion threa...
Last post by Jman - Feb 12, 2025, 11:16 PM
Indeed, but if they worked before, they'll still be trying to wear their uniforms to the whoring part if possible (not many packs have any '[job] [sex act]' images at all).

You can forbid the girls from doing the extra events, if you wish to reduce minmaxing. IMO, a management game is all about minmaxing. :D

I'll repeat my suggestion to tag WYSIWYG instead of trying to tag to the game's picture-fetching algorithms, which can change and can also be added on via mods or new features.
Brothel King / Re: Girl Pack discussion threa...
Last post by YPJ - Feb 12, 2025, 11:12 PM
Quote from: Jman on Feb 12, 2025, 10:50 PM4. Girls can also W&W, so e.g. 'dancer sex' can also get some use.

yes but it looks like "option", i mean W&W looks like girl work then whore.

more interested about that event when girl have sex wile working. but its imho minmaxing)

mb ill have more questions later.
thx a lot. :)
now i dont know what to do) its a lot of work to use all this changes for my packs. omg xD