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HHS+ / Re: [HHS+ 1.10.6] Official Bug...
Last post by Dzeris - Jun 15, 2024, 01:46 AM
Quote from: Wither on Jun 14, 2024, 02:23 AM
[General Info]

Application: HHS+
Version:    v1.10.6.0, Release
Region:      English (United Kingdom)
Date: 14/06/2024
Time: 02:16

User Explanation:

User said "This pops up if I try to visit using the "other Homes" button. Help?"
You have LexVille mod installed. Error on accessing NPC homes from that action is specific to LexVille and fix was mentioned in mod thread on this forum.
Brothel King / Re: v0.3 Test version (gamepla...
Last post by juli0r - Jun 14, 2024, 08:28 PM
Quote from: Goldo on Jun 13, 2024, 03:51 PMTo answer that question, did you perhaps have a randomized bonus to your Character's stat? To avoid display problems, the difficulty is calculated based on an average bonus value (for instance if you have a d3 bonus, it will be calculated as '2'), so in a very limited number of borderline cases, you may fail a 'safe' check.
I'm not sure, clicked too fast and did not check. Could be.

Another thing I'm not sure if this is a bug or not: You can get renza story3 and story4 without finishing chapter 1 and thus you can get her as trainer and I guess still betray her in the story afterwards and keep her as trainer?
Yes, it's a bit tedious and unlikely going to happen unless you know how to increase love with her and intentionally visit her over and over, but it's possible.
Brothel King / Re: [Feedback] Gameplay and Ba...
Last post by Deimos96 - Jun 14, 2024, 07:48 PM
Suggestion to make girl upkeep based on thresholds and not a bar. I'm kind of a minmaxing player and I tend to play on the harder difficulties. So minmaxing girl's upkeep for every gold is important for me lol. After you start to get rank B or A girls, managing their upkeep just right before they hit the next threshold to decrease or increase their mood is tedious (with the bar system).

I propose a system where you can just left click or right click to get to the next threshold.

Cmiiw I think the current thresholds right now are -20, -10, -8, -4, -2, -1, 0, 1...etc to mood. Say if the 0 mood for a girl's upkeep is 100g. Maybe have a system where you can just click to change that to whatever the lowest theshold for the next mood change is. Maybe that is 80g or something. I hope this makes sense.
HHS+ / Re: [HHS+ 1.10.6] Official Bug...
Last post by Wither - Jun 14, 2024, 02:23 AM
[General Info]

Application: HHS+
Version:    v1.10.6.0, Release
Region:      English (United Kingdom)
Date: 14/06/2024
Time: 02:16

User Explanation:

User said "This pops up if I try to visit using the "other Homes" button. Help?"

[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.ApplicationException
Message:    ExtensionLibrary\Smartphone\Main\ManageViewVisit [EXEC] caused an exception at operation SeqAct_LocationString (ID: 413).
    called by Location\City Streets Shared\Btn_GotoGenNPCHomeLocal at SeqActLat_RemoteEvent (ID: 2)
Source:      hhs+.exe

Inner Exception 1
Type:        System.IO.FileNotFoundException
Message:    Event Location\General Home Shared\Home\Btn_GeneralHomeLeave not known
Source:      hhs+
Stack Trace: at hhs_.SeqVar_Reference.Deref(ISeqVarProvider SeqVars, Boolean Virtualize) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\_EventVariables\SeqVar_Reference.cs:line 325
  at hhs_.VisualEvent.FindSeqVarByID(UInt32 SearchID, Boolean NoResolve) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\VisualEvent.cs:line 972
  at hhs_.VisualEvent.FindSeqVarByID[T](UInt32 SearchID, Boolean NoResolve) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\VisualEvent.cs:line 985
  at hhs_.EventRunner.FindSeqVarByID[T](UInt32 SearchID) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\EventRunner.cs:line 405
  at hhs_.SeqAct_LocationString.Activated(EventRunner Runner) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\_EventActions\_EventActions_Location\SeqAct_LocationString.cs:line 110
  at hhs_.EventRunner.<ExecuteAsync>d__126.MoveNext() in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\EventRunner.cs:line 1229


[Assembly Info]

mscorlib, Version=
System.Xaml, Version=
log4net, Version=
PresentationCore, Version=
System, Version=
WindowsBase, Version=
PresentationFramework, Version=
Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit, Version=
FontAwesome6.Core, Version=
System.Core, Version=
WindowsFormsIntegration, Version=
System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Version=
Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=
Microsoft.Msagl.GraphViewerGdi, Version=
Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing, Version=
System.Drawing, Version=
System.Data.SQLite, Version=
System.Xml, Version=
Cronos, Version=
System.Runtime.Caching, Version=
System.Data, Version=
FontAwesome6.Svg.Net, Version=
ExceptionReporter.NET, Version=
OxyPlot.Wpf, Version=
OxyPlot, Version=
Microsoft.Msagl, Version=
Imazen.WebP, Version=
XamlAnimatedGif, Version=
OxyPlot.Wpf.Shared, Version=


[System Info]

Operating System
-Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
--CodeSet = 1252
--CSDVersion =
--CurrentTimeZone = -240
--FreePhysicalMemory = 6093180
--OSArchitecture = 64-bit
--OSLanguage = 1033
--ServicePackMajorVersion = 0
--ServicePackMinorVersion = 0
--Version = 10.0.19045

--Manufacturer = HP
--Model = HP EliteBook 840 G7 Notebook PC
--TotalPhysicalMemory = 16875102208
Brothel King / Re: v0.3 Test version (gamepla...
Last post by Goldo - Jun 13, 2024, 03:51 PM
Quote from: juli0r on Jun 12, 2024, 08:40 PMAnother achievement I had problems with was the Evil Heart level 2 achievement.
I fulfilled the requirements but didn't get unlocked until I manually looked it up in the achievement_list and ran .test() on it. This one is weird to me because level 1 unlocked automatically as it should

I'll look into it, but please bear in mind that for performance reasons, achievements are not checked every cycle. A few achievement checks only happen when loading the main screen, for instance, so you may experience some minor delay after unlocking a new achievement.

Quote from: juli0r on Jun 12, 2024, 08:40 PMIn a contract I had to fight off pirates and it was marked as "safe" - I always understood this as "can not fail with your stats". I failed...
Not sure if there's always a small chance it can fail or if it was a bug.

To answer that question, did you perhaps have a randomized bonus to your Character's stat? To avoid display problems, the difficulty is calculated based on an average bonus value (for instance if you have a d3 bonus, it will be calculated as '2'), so in a very limited number of borderline cases, you may fail a 'safe' check.
Brothel King / Re: Modding Question
Last post by Goldo - Jun 13, 2024, 03:44 PM
Quote from: Yasaki74 on Jun 11, 2024, 07:51 PM
Quote from: Goldo on Jun 11, 2024, 05:14 PM
Quote from: Yasaki74 on Jun 11, 2024, 12:30 AM@Goldo
Can you explain how do you generate a girl on screen? I'm kind of working on a mod but the code it's a bit overwhelming and hard to understand and looking at head hunter mod still a bit hard for me to read. It's there an easy way that to do this? I know that I need to show screen about the info of the girls but Idk how to get the info in the first place let alone generate one.

Depends what you mean by "on screen". The new version will include functions under the hood to easily create girls both from specific templates or randomly, but if you're just looking for a random girl you can use:
$ girl = get_girls(1)[0]

Well I like to generate random girls but I also like to change their stats in other case, and I also like to them to be appeared as slave girls rather than free girls. Finally, I wanted to show the girl stats for the buyers.

That's more difficult to do with the currently released version of the game. New functions in the WIP version of the game will make this much easier. In fact, you will see an example of what you want to do in one of the NewGame+ challenges. So I would recommend waiting a little, as a new test release is not very far now.
Brothel King / Re: [Feedback] Gameplay and Ba...
Last post by Goldo - Jun 13, 2024, 03:41 PM
Quote from: juli0r on Jun 12, 2024, 01:33 PM
Quote from: Goldo on Jun 11, 2024, 05:00 PMOverall I agree that a Fear-based playthrough used to lack teeth, which is why the new farm powers are an entirely fear-based system and some fear boosts have been improved. Note that fear helps with things like obedience checks where love does not, so if you build up fear, you shouldn't encounter that many problems outside of personal training, but I would welcome specific feedback on why you feel that's a hindrance.

The thing about fear though, and that is by design, is that it requires some commitment from the player to be efficient. If you are nice 90% of the time, then suddenly turn evil for one girl or one interaction, the effect will be limited and likely inferior to keeping love-based interactions. But the idea is that if you play one mean bastard, you should find it easier over time to bend girls to your will (whether or not this is correctly implemented in the game is something else). The fear powers alone are designed to be very strong and even break some game mechanics to make worth the player's while to commit to evilness.

Maybe I gave up too quickly but overall it just felt way harder to commit to being evil and cruel. The mood modifiers, unhappy girls that try to flee way more often. Maybe this is better in the later chapters when you can actually generate more fear.
I don't have the stats and am not sure which checks are affected.

The evil farm powers IMO have the same problem. The drawbacks are higher than the benefits. Maybe if there was a way to restore sanity without relying on rank ups or asylum. But overall I play that I have my brothel girls which are kept happy and farm girls that are just kept there for evil powers. But I very rarely use a girl I had in the farm back in the brothel because of the skill loss that happens there.

I wish I could describe it in more detail but I don't have the stats.
The only girls I use fear on are masochists, but overall it just feels the carrot is more useful and less of a hassle than the stick in most cases. I only have played normal difficulty so far so maybe that's a factor too.

Something else I find bothersome is how to get the girls to make friends and rivals. I'm not really sure what I can do to influence that except for the helping hand perk. This makes it hard to go achievement hunting for this achievement.

The check for running away is (Obedience + Fear + Security). So with enough fear, you may be able to stave off a girl running away, although this may be harder to pull off early game.

The mood penalty doesn't matter since if you are using fear, you do not really care about mood.

The formula for job obedience checks is : (Obedience + Fear + Mood/4 + Tiredness/10) so Fear will always more than offset Mood factors. Similarly, since you don't care about Mood, you can afford to pay a miserly upkeep for your girls.

A fear-based playthrough is all about treating your girls as expendable assets and cutting corners. I think it goes against the grain for players who like to have a stable harem of waifus so I understand why it's a harder sell. But I believe the game has the necessary hooks to make it work.
Brothel King / Re: v0.3 Test version (gamepla...
Last post by juli0r - Jun 12, 2024, 08:40 PM
In a contract I had to fight off pirates and it was marked as "safe" - I always understood this as "can not fail with your stats". I failed...
Not sure if there's always a small chance it can fail or if it was a bug.

Also after having sex with the banker the achievement is still not unlocked.
I guess $ unlock_achievement("h banker") is missing in the event?

I guess the Chapter 2: The Hunt achievement is also missing in the story. At least I can't find anything where "c2 kunoichi" is unlocked.

All the "Mania" achievements also seem to be impossible to unlock. Those "Have your girls perform service acts X times". I'm pretty sure in Chapter 7 I should have unlocked at least level 3 by now in all of them.
Same goes for almost all the evil powers achievements beginning with "Faust" and including all of them except "Chaos Unleashed" - that one I got. But I have cast evil powers, broke girls sanity, have street whores and sent a girl to the asylum. The haven't reached the 100 colored mojo achievements but as I can't find them in the tracked achievements nor in the achievement class I guess they are missing too.

Another achievement I had problems with was the Evil Heart level 2 achievement.
I fulfilled the requirements but didn't get unlocked until I manually looked it up in the achievement_list and ran .test() on it. This one is weird to me because level 1 unlocked automatically as it should.

In the brothel report for yesterday the listing of jobs is wrong (a lot of girls missing) I think it does not list job/whore entries. I see:
16 girls worked in the brothel.
- Waitress: 0
- Dancer: 0
- Masseuse: 0
- Geisha: 0
- Whore: 1

When it should have been:
- Waitress: 4
- Dancer: 4
- Masseuse: 4
- Geisha: 3
- Whore: 1

The report for Today seems to be correct.
I also had a "-1" for Masseuse one time when the girl that was working Masseuse/Whore was hurt in an attack.
Brothel King / Re: [Feedback] Gameplay and Ba...
Last post by juli0r - Jun 12, 2024, 01:33 PM
Quote from: Goldo on Jun 11, 2024, 05:00 PMOverall I agree that a Fear-based playthrough used to lack teeth, which is why the new farm powers are an entirely fear-based system and some fear boosts have been improved. Note that fear helps with things like obedience checks where love does not, so if you build up fear, you shouldn't encounter that many problems outside of personal training, but I would welcome specific feedback on why you feel that's a hindrance.

The thing about fear though, and that is by design, is that it requires some commitment from the player to be efficient. If you are nice 90% of the time, then suddenly turn evil for one girl or one interaction, the effect will be limited and likely inferior to keeping love-based interactions. But the idea is that if you play one mean bastard, you should find it easier over time to bend girls to your will (whether or not this is correctly implemented in the game is something else). The fear powers alone are designed to be very strong and even break some game mechanics to make worth the player's while to commit to evilness.

Maybe I gave up too quickly but overall it just felt way harder to commit to being evil and cruel. The mood modifiers, unhappy girls that try to flee way more often. Maybe this is better in the later chapters when you can actually generate more fear.
I don't have the stats and am not sure which checks are affected.

The evil farm powers IMO have the same problem. The drawbacks are higher than the benefits. Maybe if there was a way to restore sanity without relying on rank ups or asylum. But overall I play that I have my brothel girls which are kept happy and farm girls that are just kept there for evil powers. But I very rarely use a girl I had in the farm back in the brothel because of the skill loss that happens there.

I wish I could describe it in more detail but I don't have the stats.
The only girls I use fear on are masochists, but overall it just feels the carrot is more useful and less of a hassle than the stick in most cases. I only have played normal difficulty so far so maybe that's a factor too.

Something else I find bothersome is how to get the girls to make friends and rivals. I'm not really sure what I can do to influence that except for the helping hand perk. This makes it hard to go achievement hunting for this achievement.
Brothel King / Re: v0.3 Test version (gamepla...
Last post by vadi92 - Jun 12, 2024, 06:10 AM
Quote from: pasta on Jun 11, 2024, 11:22 PM
Quote from: Goldo on Jun 11, 2024, 05:08 PMSounds like an old bug, I think this is fixed in the WIP version.

WIP version as in an unreleased hotfix, or as in the latest released hotfix? (from September 2023 looks like) because I do have that one applied.

It's still unreleased.