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Sierra Lee's Games (The Last Sovereign and others)

Started by SierraLee, May 27, 2022, 10:15 PM

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SierraLeeTopic starter

I'm always updating supporters on Patreon, but I didn't want to leave everyone else following the game in the dark for so long, so I have made a Patreon post public:

More information (and fanart!) at the link, but basically I think it would be fastest and best for the game overall if I did one bigger update instead of two smaller ones. Please look forward to it!

SierraLeeTopic starter

The final battle update is now available for patrons!

I don't want to share too much from this update, so here's a screenshot from very early on:

It's a reasonably hefty update, with all kinds of challenges including dungeons:

But the meat of it is complex events deriving from all your choices up to this point:

And depending on how you play, you can hit strategic game overs, the first real ending of the game, or most likely:

More info at the blog: