HentHighSchool Development Forum

Game Development => HHS+ => Topic started by: Umgah on May 29, 2022, 06:44 PM

Title: Hints for new players
Post by: Umgah on May 29, 2022, 06:44 PM
Basic things:

More advanced things.
  • Basic hypnosis levels can be learned from books. After that you can take some lessons from Detective or practice it on lone targets yourself.
  • Take shower after gym/fitness. If you are too sweaty/dirty then you are more likely to fail checks that need charisma.
  • Even if a chemistry experiment "failed" it still advances your progress.  Important because this means save-scumming is less beneficial.
  • If your relationship with an NPC is good enough you can give them porno, drugs or sex toys to corrupt them
  • NPCs have a chance to pick items from the locations they visit. So you, for example, can leave few porn magazines in library
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: Umgah on Jun 21, 2022, 08:52 AM
"New game help" by aevojoey (this is for version 1.9.5, with some notes for 1.10)
Source: https://henthighschool.net/index.php?msg=75

The first thing you need to know is that you can't do everything at the start of the game.

Money is kind of hard to get in the first month so don't spend more than you have to. You will get more money at the end of each month.

Chemistry is the largest money and time sink in the game so I don't even start it until the second month.

I don't bother with PTA proposals until the second month when I have most of the PTA and teachers mostly on my side.

I track Birthdays and use that as my target list. It gives the game a little more challenge once you have played it a lot.

Day 1
You need to Manage the School from your home or your office
1) Buy Expansions : Don't buy too much stuff, money is tight the first month. Cafeteria, Pool and PA System are what I start with.
2) Hire 2 or 3 teachers (Jobs) : hiring too many at the start will drain your money quickly
3) Assign them subjects to teach (Teacher Assignments).
4) Set the class timetable (Students) : I always set Class 1 to have all subjects in Classroom 1 and randomize the others.
5) Set Policies : at the start there is nothing major, just dress codes and uniform color.
6) Start Clubs (I don't usually open Kendo until month 2)
Go to the Shopping Mall and go shopping:
1) General Store : Buy 10 Sci-fi Novel, 10 Art Supplies, 20-50 energy drinks, 1 razor
2) Clothing Store : Buy 10 Inappropriate Casual Outfit (1.10 uses different clothes)
3) Al's Security : Buy 1 Windows for dummies, 1 Home Computer, 6 Spy cameras
4) Fitness Studio : Get the 3 or 6 month membership and buy the weights. Workout both and then shower.
Go to the Detective Office
Get the book from the drawer
Investigate someone. You may want to wait on this as it is a major money sink but it is how most quests start.
Go Downtown, to the Restaurant, eat and get the newspaper
Read all options in the newspaper

Go to school and Classroom 1
This first spoiler is for 1.9.5, I will need to update it for 1.10
Talk to your students  (x1 means you should only ask them 1 time)
1) Interests
1a) Clubs (x1)
1b) Hobbies (x1) : This is how to learn people's Personality and Archetype (P&A)
1c) Need Help? : This is giving them gifts if you have one
2) Job
3) School
4) Family and Friends
4a) Friends
4b) Parents (x1)
4c) Parent's job  (x1)
5) Romance : This is where knowing their P&A is required
5a) Flirt
5a1) Insightful  (x1) You can do this 1 time per talk until you get it right. no requirements
5a2) Personality : You will need some level of relationship with them
5a3) Body (Archetype) : You will need some level of relationship with them
5a4) Don't know : no penalty for using this but ends chat. use it if their reaction is not good.
5b) Like : who do they love?  : You will need some level of relationship with them
5c) Virgin : You will need high relationship with them
6) Personal Info
6a) Address : You will need high relationship with them
6b) Birthday  : You will need some level of relationship with them
6c) Phone : You should be able to get this from non-special students after doing the other chat options. Special students will need more relationship.

Make sure you go to the Meeting Room off your Office by 16:00 or the meeting will be moved to the next day and the PTA will be upset.
Go to the Teacher Room and get the charisma book.
Install spy camera in your office
Go to the stairs and the girls room and install spy cam there. (may take a few tries to get the prompt)

When your Hypnotism is low, the best way to raise it is to hypnotize someone and have them take you to their house at night. Sleeping people are easier to hypnotize.
Send one person to your house before the end of school then sleep in your office till 23:00. Go home and they will be waiting in your bedroom. Take them to their house and hyp them while they sleep. With the last of your energy, have them take you to your house. Talk to them then sleep in your own bed.

The more times you hyp groups of people, the more people in the group become automatic success.
After 60 hyp, go to the police station and hyp groups. Groups exclude Special people so target Coppers or King with a small random group.

Hang around the park and forest for events.
The beach has a lot of events but don't usually give stats/skills

Every day
Every day if you have time:
1) Workout at the gym
2) Photoshop and Hacking on your home computer.
3) Shower and shave in your bathroom (shave may be every other day)

Read any books you find once a day until you stop getting skill points from it.
If you are low on energy in the afternoon, go to you room and call people on the phone until 23:00. You don't need energy to lay in bed and talk on the phone.

If you have someone you don't want to have sex with but want to improve your relationship, talk to them on the phone.

Set alarms for 1:00, 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 23:00.

Set your sleep time to 8 hours (7 hours if stamina is >80)

Choose 1 person and focus hyp on them so you get their address and their love. When you have both, go to their house and get their key. With that you can have a second bedroom so if you send someone to wait at your house, you can sleep fully, go home and have them take you to their house. (This has been broken in 1.10)

First Month
Mostly just talk and hyp your students.

If you have read the newspaper, you can go to the park after day 3 and learn lockpicking.

When you get 20+ Photoshop, go to the beach to start the Photoshop Quest.

After week 2, go to the park and get the device. Keep it or sell it for $10k.

Go to the Cafeteria at lunch time (13:00-14:30) to start Cooking club quest
Go to Sports Area (16:00-18:00) for Cheerleaders and try to put a spy cam there.
Go to the Pool (16:00-18:00) for Swimming Club.
Anytime there is a class or club in the Gym, Sports Area or Pool, go into the Girl's Locker room to try to set up a spy cam there.

Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: Furrin Gok on Jul 27, 2022, 06:50 AM
Quote from: Umgah on Jun 21, 2022, 08:52 AM"New game help" by aevojoey (this is for version 1.9.5, with some notes for 1.10)
Source: https://henthighschool.net/index.php?msg=75

Went ahead and customized it for 1.10 (It's largely copypaste):
1.10 Guide
The first thing you need to know is that you can't do everything at the start of the game.

Money is kind of hard to get in the first month so don't spend more than you have to. You will get more money at the end of each month.

Chemistry is the largest money and time sink in the game so I don't even start it until the second month.

I don't bother with PTA proposals until the second month when I have most of the PTA and teachers mostly on my side for the lighter proposals, or the third (or fourth!) month when PTA quests can be completed so that they're all on my side.

Keep watch for birthdays on the calendar as you start to learn them.

Day 1
To ensure you get things set up in time, manage school from your living room. If you're using Barteke's Teacher Compendium mod and want cheaper teachers, then rush straight to your office to manage.
1) Buy Expansions : Don't buy too much stuff, money is tight the first month. Cafeteria, Pool and PA System are what I start with.
2) Hire 2 or 3 teachers (Jobs) : hiring too many at the start will drain your money quickly
3) Assign them subjects to teach (Teacher Assignments).
4) Set the class timetable (Students) : I always set a single period to Physical Education and copy that to the week, then randomize the rest of the periods but keep them to their numbered class.
5) Set Policies : For reputation and loyalty gains, set dress and swim code to school attire.
6) Start Clubs--Cooking and Cheerleading can lead to earlier profits, while Kendo and Swimming only lend to Female Changing Room spycam profits. Theater will take a long time to see any profits, but will progress Ameli's quest.
Go to the Shopping Mall and go shopping:
1) Clothing Store : Buy the full set of Relaxed clothes and switch into them. Don't bother buying gifts, everything here is second or third gift stage and can wait until a later month.
2) General Store : Buy 10 Win Friends, 10 Sci-fi Novel, 10 Art Supplies, 20-50 energy drinks, 1 razor of your gender (futa counts as women's)
3) Al's Security : Buy 1 Coding for dummies, 1 Home Computer, 6 Spy cameras
4) Fitness Studio : Get the 6 month membership (You should have saved money from 1.9.5's clothes to afford it easily) and buy the weights. Workout both and then shower.
Go Downtown.
Visit the detective and get the book from the drawer
Investigate someone. You may want to wait on this as it is a major money sink but it is how most quests start.

Go to the Restaurant, eat and get the newspaper.
Read all options in the newspaper.

Look into your students and decide on a few favorites, especially those with lower willpower. You should only do the following with this small handful:
Talk to your favorites (Once each)
1) Interests: Hobbies
2) Romance: Flirt: Insightful (Their answer to Hobbies clues you in on what to say)
3) Interests: Need Anything?
4) Family: Parents
5) Family: Parents' Jobs
Adults (If you got a teacher who isn't protected, or are looking back at this while chatting with other NPCs)
4) Job
5) If available try Students 4/5.
--All again
6) Family: Friends (Barring special students and most adults, you should be their friend now)
7) If Friend Personal: Phone number
Otherwise, walk in and out of classes to trigger events. Trying to chat with everyone is a pointless grind--events and eventual hypnosis or drugs will help with them.

Make sure you go to the Meeting Room off your Office by 16:00 or the meeting will be moved to the next day and the PTA will be upset.
Go to the Teacher Room and get the charisma book.
Install spy camera in your office
Go to the stairs and the girls room and install spy cam there. (~10% on entering)

When your Hypnotism is low, the best way to raise it is to hypnotize someone and have them take you to their house at night. Sleeping people are easier to hypnotize.
At around 20:00, sleep until it's 23:00 (22:50 at the earliest), then go out and find an NPC will lower willpower. This way, when you have them take you to their house, you'll be well rested and they'll be (close to) sleeping. If you barely got enough sleep to recover a bunch of energy, you can hypnotize them  into taking you back home and then sleep the rest of the way.

The more times you hypnotize groups of people, the more people in the group become automatic success.
After 60 hypnosis, go to the police station and hypnotize groups. Groups exclude Special people , which helps since they're 80% more likely to resist hypnosis anyways. Target an NPC without an exclamation mark while there's a group present.

Hang around the park, forest, beach, and hospital for events. As a female/futa principal, you can even go in and out of the onsen bath, though this will only give stats to female/futa NPCs, not male.

Daily business
Every day if you have time:
1) Workout in your room and at the gym
2) Photoshop and Hacking on your home computer.
3) Shower and shave in your bathroom (shave may be every other day)

Read any books you find once a day until you stop getting skill points from it. Return the hypnosis book, sell the coding book to AL's, and sell other books to the supermarket.

Removing Phone and Sleeping since they haven't changed.
First month
Focus on befriending your favorites, otherwise walk around triggering events and hypnotizing stray students

After reading the newspaper, and after February third, you can go to the park to see a purse thief at work. Confront the man and ask for skills. You won't learn lockpicking otherwise!

When you get 20+ Photoshop, go to the beach to see a woman in a skimpy bikini. Talk to her and agree to help the press. Keep practicing your photoshop skills and do the assignment when you get the chance, then simply make sure you're in your house during business hours so you can call them to turn it in. After turning in your first photo, you unlock access to the news building, where you can check in every few days for a new assignment. Doing these assignments is important to pass Nature's Way and push out the caps on stats.

After week 2, go to the park and get the device. Keep the device, it'll help with high willpower NPCs you want to hypnotize.
Remember, manual hypnosis works well against sleeping NPCs, but you have to hypnotize them into letting you into their house or else risk getting chased out with a small reputation loss. The device lets you do this easier--Just don't waste it on behavior modification unless it's "Corrode Willpower", as the other behaviors will not lose willpower when using the device.

Go to the Cafeteria at lunch time (13:00-14:30) with the cooking club active to start Cooking club quest. Once you pay them $250 to start making a profit, you're good until the Cabaret quest.
Go to the girl's locker room during any physical education class (Gym, Pool, Sporting) or club (Kendo, Swimming, Cheerleaders) to try for an event to get the spycam, and at high hypnosis, an event to manipulate a girl here.
Go to Sports Area (16:00-18:00) for Cheerleaders and the Pool for Swimming Club. Keep going back and forth for events¹ until you get the prompt about putting up a spycam in the cheerleaders.
If asked to get uniforms for the cheerleaders, avoid going to the sports area until you got the outfits or else there's a once-a-day penalty to their stats. If you accidentally did so, feel free to jump back and forth again for events.

¹Early on, your clubs might have too few members, or are waiting on Ameli's quest to trigger. If Ameli is in a club and no events are firing, try and use By Interview enrollment to get more gender balance into the school, as Ameli won't freak out unless there's an appropriate cast of NPCs in the club with her.
If Ameli is not in the club and events aren't triggering, there's probably too few members.
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: dcsobral on Jul 29, 2022, 06:11 PM
Quote from: Furrin Gok on Jul 27, 2022, 06:50 AM
Quote from: Umgah on Jun 21, 2022, 08:52 AM"New game help" by aevojoey (this is for version 1.9.5, with some notes for 1.10)
Source: https://henthighschool.net/index.php?msg=75

Went ahead and customized it for 1.10 (It's largely copypaste):
1.10 Guide
The first thing you need to know is that you can't do everything at the start of the game.

Money is kind of hard to get in the first month so don't spend more than you have to. You will get more money at the end of each month.

Chemistry is the largest money and time sink in the game so I don't even start it until the second month.

I don't bother with PTA proposals until the second month when I have most of the PTA and teachers mostly on my side for the lighter proposals, or the third (or fourth!) month when PTA quests can be completed so that they're all on my side.

Keep watch for birthdays on the calendar as you start to learn them.

Day 1
To ensure you get things set up in time, manage school from your living room. If you're using Barteke's Teacher Compendium mod and want cheaper teachers, then rush straight to your office to manage.
1) Buy Expansions : Don't buy too much stuff, money is tight the first month. Cafeteria, Pool and PA System are what I start with.
2) Hire 2 or 3 teachers (Jobs) : hiring too many at the start will drain your money quickly
3) Assign them subjects to teach (Teacher Assignments).
4) Set the class timetable (Students) : I always set a single period to Physical Education and copy that to the week, then randomize the rest of the periods but keep them to their numbered class.
5) Set Policies : For reputation and loyalty gains, set dress and swim code to school attire.
6) Start Clubs--Cooking and Cheerleading can lead to earlier profits, while Kendo and Swimming only lend to Female Changing Room spycam profits. Theater will take a long time to see any profits, but will progress Ameli's quest.
Go to the Shopping Mall and go shopping:
1) Clothing Store : Buy the full set of Relaxed clothes and switch into them. Don't bother buying gifts, everything here is second or third gift stage and can wait until a later month.
2) General Store : Buy 10 Win Friends, 10 Sci-fi Novel, 10 Art Supplies, 20-50 energy drinks, 1 razor of your gender (futa counts as women's)
3) Al's Security : Buy 1 Coding for dummies, 1 Home Computer, 6 Spy cameras
4) Fitness Studio : Get the 6 month membership (You should have saved money from 1.9.5's clothes to afford it easily) and buy the weights. Workout both and then shower.
Go Downtown.
Visit the detective and get the book from the drawer
Investigate someone. You may want to wait on this as it is a major money sink but it is how most quests start.

Go to the Restaurant, eat and get the newspaper.
Read all options in the newspaper.

Look into your students and decide on a few favorites, especially those with lower willpower. You should only do the following with this small handful:
Talk to your favorites (Once each)
1) Interests: Hobbies
2) Romance: Flirt: Insightful (Their answer to Hobbies clues you in on what to say)
3) Interests: Need Anything?
4) Family: Parents
5) Family: Parents' Jobs
Adults (If you got a teacher who isn't protected, or are looking back at this while chatting with other NPCs)
4) Job
5) If available try Students 4/5.
--All again
6) Family: Friends (Barring special students and most adults, you should be their friend now)
7) If Friend Personal: Phone number
Otherwise, walk in and out of classes to trigger events. Trying to chat with everyone is a pointless grind--events and eventual hypnosis or drugs will help with them.

Make sure you go to the Meeting Room off your Office by 16:00 or the meeting will be moved to the next day and the PTA will be upset.
Go to the Teacher Room and get the charisma book.
Install spy camera in your office
Go to the stairs and the girls room and install spy cam there. (~10% on entering)

When your Hypnotism is low, the best way to raise it is to hypnotize someone and have them take you to their house at night. Sleeping people are easier to hypnotize.
At around 20:00, sleep until it's 23:00 (22:50 at the earliest), then go out and find an NPC will lower willpower. This way, when you have them take you to their house, you'll be well rested and they'll be (close to) sleeping. If you barely got enough sleep to recover a bunch of energy, you can hypnotize them  into taking you back home and then sleep the rest of the way.

The more times you hypnotize groups of people, the more people in the group become automatic success.
After 60 hypnosis, go to the police station and hypnotize groups. Groups exclude Special people , which helps since they're 80% more likely to resist hypnosis anyways. Target an NPC without an exclamation mark while there's a group present.

Hang around the park, forest, beach, and hospital for events. As a female/futa principal, you can even go in and out of the onsen bath, though this will only give stats to female/futa NPCs, not male.

Daily business
Every day if you have time:
1) Workout in your room and at the gym
2) Photoshop and Hacking on your home computer.
3) Shower and shave in your bathroom (shave may be every other day)

Read any books you find once a day until you stop getting skill points from it. Return the hypnosis book, sell the coding book to AL's, and sell other books to the supermarket.

Removing Phone and Sleeping since they haven't changed.
First month
Focus on befriending your favorites, otherwise walk around triggering events and hypnotizing stray students

After reading the newspaper, and after February third, you can go to the park to see a purse thief at work. Confront the man and ask for skills. You won't learn lockpicking otherwise!

When you get 20+ Photoshop, go to the beach to see a woman in a skimpy bikini. Talk to her and agree to help the press. Keep practicing your photoshop skills and do the assignment when you get the chance, then simply make sure you're in your house during business hours so you can call them to turn it in. After turning in your first photo, you unlock access to the news building, where you can check in every few days for a new assignment. Doing these assignments is important to pass Nature's Way and push out the caps on stats.

After week 2, go to the park and get the device. Keep the device, it'll help with high willpower NPCs you want to hypnotize.
Remember, manual hypnosis works well against sleeping NPCs, but you have to hypnotize them into letting you into their house or else risk getting chased out with a small reputation loss. The device lets you do this easier--Just don't waste it on behavior modification unless it's "Corrode Willpower", as the other behaviors will not lose willpower when using the device.

Go to the Cafeteria at lunch time (13:00-14:30) with the cooking club active to start Cooking club quest. Once you pay them $250 to start making a profit, you're good until the Cabaret quest.
Go to the girl's locker room during any physical education class (Gym, Pool, Sporting) or club (Kendo, Swimming, Cheerleaders) to try for an event to get the spycam, and at high hypnosis, an event to manipulate a girl here.
Go to Sports Area (16:00-18:00) for Cheerleaders and the Pool for Swimming Club. Keep going back and forth for events¹ until you get the prompt about putting up a spycam in the cheerleaders.
If asked to get uniforms for the cheerleaders, avoid going to the sports area until you got the outfits or else there's a once-a-day penalty to their stats. If you accidentally did so, feel free to jump back and forth again for events.

¹Early on, your clubs might have too few members, or are waiting on Ameli's quest to trigger. If Ameli is in a club and no events are firing, try and use By Interview enrollment to get more gender balance into the school, as Ameli won't freak out unless there's an appropriate cast of NPCs in the club with her.
If Ameli is not in the club and events aren't triggering, there's probably too few members.

There's a lot of references to willpower in regards to characters you haven't interacted with before. There's no way to tell a character's willpower unless you have Stats in Advanced instead of Lore or Off.

There's a mention of changing stats by going in and out of the Onsen as a female/futa, and it happens as a male as well. Of course, as a male you'll be influencing other men but it's still a way of slowly lowering inhibition.

I think it would be worthwhile discussing strategy when it comes to hiring teachers. Some of them have quests, some don't. Hiring a teacher with a quest early on allows you to get started on the quest chain, and some of these chains are really long. You have to pay the detective, though. If you intend to save money there, then getting quest-less teachers make more sense. Another aspect to consider is the bonus you get from a quest teacher. Beth helps raise education among students, Nina is a corruption machine, Carmen also helps with corruption and money but will compromise your reputation, etc.

I have two minds about the thief event. Sure, one option is to ask for skills and learn lockpicking. An alternative is to _not_ hire Susan or Lydia to save money and, instead, use the thief events to either get strike up relationships and get phone numbers or get cash. Though, honestly, I don't think the cash is worth it. I've never tried other options such as alerting police or talking to the person instead of confronting the thief, so no idea what benefits might be derived from that.

I like that guide (the original and your changes), but I'd be personally more interested in a guide that discussed different paths you might want to take depending on what you want to prioritize early on (money, reputation, corruption, etc) and what their downsides are.
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: Furrin Gok on Jul 30, 2022, 01:11 AM
Quote from: dcsobral on Jul 29, 2022, 06:11 PMThere's a lot of references to willpower in regards to characters you haven't interacted with before. There's no way to tell a character's willpower unless you have Stats in Advanced instead of Lore or Off.
Oh right, I forgot that I toggled it to be on advanced. It's just trial and error without that or debug to check though. You'll have no way of knowing if you failed due to bad luck or high willpower.
QuoteThere's a mention of changing stats by going in and out of the Onsen as a female/futa, and it happens as a male as well. Of course, as a male you'll be influencing other men but it's still a way of slowly lowering inhibition.
Onsen did nothing for me going in and out of the male onsen, you sure you don't just have a mod to add events? The female onsen has actual events, the male one, unless I've somehow done something so wrong it broke it, can only have stat changes through inhibition level and hypnosis.
QuoteI think it would be worthwhile discussing strategy when it comes to hiring teachers. Some of them have quests, some don't. Hiring a teacher with a quest early on allows you to get started on the quest chain, and some of these chains are really long. You have to pay the detective, though. If you intend to save money there, then getting quest-less teachers make more sense. Another aspect to consider is the bonus you get from a quest teacher. Beth helps raise education among students, Nina is a corruption machine, Carmen also helps with corruption and money but will compromise your reputation, etc.
I haven't personally looked into the who's who. My own choice is to basically go for the cheaper teachers and then go for Perrier's quest, since that nets you weekend pay and a PTA member that's hard to influence otherwise.
QuoteI have two minds about the thief event. Sure, one option is to ask for skills and learn lockpicking. An alternative is to _not_ hire Susan or Lydia to save money and, instead, use the thief events to either get strike up relationships and get phone numbers or get cash. Though, honestly, I don't think the cash is worth it. I've never tried other options such as alerting police or talking to the person instead of confronting the thief, so no idea what benefits might be derived from that.
Wasn't aware any of the other options did anything other than fail the encounter until the next day. Pretty sure that's what used to happen if you tried anything else.
QuoteI like that guide (the original and your changes), but I'd be personally more interested in a guide that discussed different paths you might want to take depending on what you want to prioritize early on (money, reputation, corruption, etc) and what their downsides are.
Might be some things to look into then. I don't know much other than the startup I always take to help me build things up, but the game's not built to be too difficult if you make different choices. Worst case you have to sit around for a while, working the restaurant when you can and otherwise doing your best to keep Education and Reputation up for monthly income.
Quote from: Arel on Jul 29, 2022, 09:20 PMSo I am confused is there 2 meetings? I've passed feb 27 and mar 27 neither of them triggered the event. So is this a bug?
The actual meeting should trigger automatically unless you sleep through it, the other one is only a calender note right now.
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: TBBle on Jul 30, 2022, 04:25 AM
I would recommend Beth in your starting line-up because she's both good for the school, and hence your end-of-month bonus income, and also has a quest-line which has no requirements but cash, and ends with her in love with you, and hence an early PTA-voting ally, fuck-buddy, and place to sleep near the mall.

Conversely, some of the staff and PTA quest lines depend on manufactured drugs or hypnosis, so you'll have to raise them a bit in order to start/progress those. One of the relationship-building steps for some NPC archetypes also requires making your own drugs.

If you really don't want to do the quests, many of them have early-outs (refusing the first event three times, for example, or calling in a parent rather than corrupting a student) that will remove the HasQuest flag and hence allow regular hypnosis and relationship mechanics, which can be faster but (more expensive) than the quests. This is not universally true though, and so even if you're playing to focus on relationships rather than hypnosis/chemistry, you can't avoid those systems completely by aborting quests.

Also, for new players, keep track of the children of staff/PTA members. Several of the relevant quests are triggered via the children in the school.
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: Umgah on Aug 02, 2022, 05:27 PM
Part of topic was split out as not directly related to gameplay hints https://henthighschool.net/hhs/re-hints-for-new-players/
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: OutOfUniqueNames on Aug 04, 2022, 03:10 AM
Quote from: Umgah on Aug 02, 2022, 05:27 PMPart of topic was split out as not directly related to gameplay hints https://henthighschool.net/hhs/re-hints-for-new-players/

Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: Furrin Gok on Aug 04, 2022, 03:42 AM
Got curious about the items the player starts with and did some digging. Everything is based on the fetishes you mark on player creation:
Anal:            Nothing!
Big Breasts:     Nothing!
Big Cocks:       Nothing!
Bondage:         Guaranteed start with Slave Collar (20% chance to get one without it anyways)
Chubby:          Nothing!
Creampies:       Nothing!
Crossdressing:   Nothing!
Cumshots:        Nothing!
Cunnilingus:     Nothing!
Defloration:     Nothing!
Drugs:           Start with Penis Growth Pills (male) or Breast Growth Pills (Female and Futa) (Why doesn't Futa just get both?)
Exhibitionism:   Nothing!
Fellatio:        Nothing!
Fingering:       Nothing!
Foot:            Nothing!
Forced Sex:      Nothing!
Futa:            Futanari will be listed as females until you learn their secret.
Glasses:         Nothing!
Group Sex:       Nothing!
Hairy:           Nothing!
Handjobs:        Nothing!
Kissing:         Nothing!
Incest:          Nothing!
Lactation:       Nothing!
Latex:           Nothing!
Loli:            Nothing!
Masochism:       Nothing! (Why not start you with stamina to "take the pain"?)
Masturbation:    Nothing!
Mind Control:    Start with Hypnosis Tutorial
Muscular:        Nothing! (Why not start you with stamina for bodybuilding?)
Nymphomania:     Start with 10 extra stamina
Pregnancy:       Nothing!
Sadism:          Nothing! (Why not start you with stamina to dish it out?)
Sex Toys:        Guaranteed start with Dildo (20% chance to get one without it anyways) (Why not male check for onahole?)
Shota:           Nothing!
Swallowing:      Nothing!
Swimsuits:       Start with a Sexy Bikini unless dislike female, in which case you start with a speedo (unless you also dislike male). (Why not flip a coin and run both Checks?)
Uniforms:        Nothing! (Why not start with Athletic uniform?)
Voyeurism:       Start with a spycam
Yaoi:            Nothing! (Why not start with the appropriate School of Sex?)
Yuri:            Nothing! (Why not start with the appropriate School of Sex?)
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: dcsobral on Aug 04, 2022, 05:21 PM
I remember someone asked on another thread about increasing Charisma, so here's some a general hint that is also related to that:

Dates can change your stats as well as the ones for the person you are dating, including Charisma. Experiment with different beverages and different types of movies, and pay attention to what the result was. And be aware that the results can be different depending on the person you are dating.

Quote from: Furrin Gok on Aug 04, 2022, 03:42 AMGot curious about the items the player starts with and did some digging. Everything is based on the fetishes you mark on player creation:
Anal:            Nothing!
Big Breasts:     Nothing!
Big Cocks:       Nothing!
Bondage:         Guaranteed start with Slave Collar (20% chance to get one without it anyways)
Chubby:          Nothing!
Creampies:       Nothing!
Crossdressing:   Nothing!
Cumshots:        Nothing!
Cunnilingus:     Nothing!
Defloration:     Nothing!
Drugs:           Start with Penis Growth Pills (male) or Breast Growth Pills (Female and Futa) (Why doesn't Futa just get both?)
Exhibitionism:   Nothing!
Fellatio:        Nothing!
Fingering:       Nothing!
Foot:            Nothing!
Forced Sex:      Nothing!
Futa:            Futanari will be listed as females until you learn their secret.
Glasses:         Nothing!
Group Sex:       Nothing!
Hairy:           Nothing!
Handjobs:        Nothing!
Kissing:         Nothing!
Incest:          Nothing!
Lactation:       Nothing!
Latex:           Nothing!
Loli:            Nothing!
Masochism:       Nothing! (Why not start you with stamina to "take the pain"?)
Masturbation:    Nothing!
Mind Control:    Start with Hypnosis Tutorial
Muscular:        Nothing! (Why not start you with stamina for bodybuilding?)
Nymphomania:     Start with 10 extra stamina
Pregnancy:       Nothing!
Sadism:          Nothing! (Why not start you with stamina to dish it out?)
Sex Toys:        Guaranteed start with Dildo (20% chance to get one without it anyways) (Why not male check for onahole?)
Shota:           Nothing!
Swallowing:      Nothing!
Swimsuits:       Start with a Sexy Bikini unless dislike female, in which case you start with a speedo (unless you also dislike male). (Why not flip a coin and run both Checks?)
Uniforms:        Nothing! (Why not start with Athletic uniform?)
Voyeurism:       Start with a spycam
Yaoi:            Nothing! (Why not start with the appropriate School of Sex?)
Yuri:            Nothing! (Why not start with the appropriate School of Sex?)

I had no idea the initial items could change, much less that fetishes would do so!
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: ThatHat on Feb 08, 2023, 08:46 PM
How do I use the chem lab cause every time I go in there there's nothing to click
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: ⚧ Squark on Feb 09, 2023, 12:05 AM
Quote from: ThatHat on Feb 08, 2023, 08:46 PMHow do I use the chem lab cause every time I go in there there's nothing to click
You have to actually buy it from the School Management (either in your office computer menu or the table at home). It's in the section where all the extensions are. You're going to need around $2000 iirc and once paid for it takes a few days. Your calendar will let you know when it's ready for inspection.
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: oratorio on Feb 09, 2023, 01:21 AM
Quote from: ⚧ Squark on Feb 09, 2023, 12:05 AM
Quote from: ThatHat on Feb 08, 2023, 08:46 PMHow do I use the chem lab cause every time I go in there there's nothing to click
You have to actually buy it from the School Management (either in your office computer menu or the table at home). It's in the section where all the extensions are. You're going to need around $2000 iirc and once paid for it takes a few days. Your calendar will let you know when it's ready for inspection.
Also ... once you have the chem lab, you need to use the "Intro to Chemistry" book until you have a skill of 20.
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: Zaiaku on Feb 10, 2023, 02:35 AM
Actually, I found out you can start researching at Chem 15, the book just becomes useless at 20.
Title: Re: Hints for new players
Post by: ⚧ Squark on Feb 10, 2023, 10:24 AM
Quote from: Zaiaku on Feb 10, 2023, 02:35 AMActually, I found out you can start researching at Chem 15, the book just becomes useless at 20.
Good catch, though running the book out of use is still a more efficient use of time.

Also, I've had the book run out at Chemistry 19 sometimes as opposed to 20.