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About "Mad Science" odds.

Started by Loosezipper, Dec 19, 2024, 02:10 AM

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LoosezipperTopic starter

When I got the chance to access the "Inspired Mad Science" status at the chem lab, I always get the following:
- Fail
- Concentrated body modifyers.
- Concentrated Lactation drug.
- Concentrated Male Futa cure.
- Concentrated Female Futa cure.

No matter how many times reload the save previous to entering the lab.

I only managed to get Concentrated Corrupter once, and never got it again after succesfully pouring it into the city water system.

I'm running HHS+ 1.5.6 with Lexville, Population Config, Generic Person Content Core, Pregnancy Mod, Lexville-Pregnancy Compatibility, and Teacher Compendium.

Is it supossed to work that way?

Thanks in advance.


Looking through the event and following the choices given, I see three things that must be true for something to be created:  Your Chemistry skill must be high enough to create said item; you must have created at least one of the basic item previously; and you must have at least $460 available.

There are 12 drugs that can be created, and are tracked by a bit setting.  Currently, designer breast drugs are not implemented, though both the intensity of the breast and penis enlargers are affected by your fetish (or lack of) for Big Breasts/Cocks.  Once the available choices of drugs to try for the mad science are set, a random selection is made from those items.  Then, after the concentrate of a certain type has been successfully made, it will not be made again by seizing the moment.

To repeat a particular concentrate that you have already made, you must instead choose "Cook up another batch", which will then let you select one you've already made.

LoosezipperTopic starter

Thanks for your answer.

It turned out to be far more stupid simple: given the three options, the first one is the one that provides the Concentrated Corruptor.

Yes, big facepalm gif here.

Once again, thans for your time.