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[MOD] More suggestions and other mods - WIP (updated 29.1.2024) [Experimantal]

Started by ElPresidenete, Sep 03, 2023, 11:44 AM

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ElPresideneteTopic starter

Uploaded the latest version of RandomFixes_WIP. Some things now work, others still have issues.

I don't know if my save game is borked, so I'll probably have to test on new game, but even tough Sleep Gas SHOULD be creatable, it doesn't show up.

Also, error during swiming that I'm yet unsure how it's happening.

If anyone can test/look at, I'd be thankfull

⚧ Squark

Quote from: ElPresidenete on Dec 20, 2023, 08:53 AMAre you using hte new PD heads? You can manually edit the head/appearance in debug mode (to a point).
Nope. Base heads only.

If I rely on the debug to change the heads, I'm afraid it would cause the error to happen again on new game start. So I only used the debug to set Petra's name as Petra (instead of Peter) which caused the events to fire correctly and then made copies of Peter's heads so the game would not fail to load Petra properly.

Ideally, I'd have preferred to not have to do either of those things but it's a moot point now that it seems okay. As soon as I've delivered the first photo to Petra, I'll post again.


to add to the discussion. I've tried debugging petra to make it so there are no instances of peter's name in her debug window like squark described as to what fixed the problem with not being able to hand petra the hooter photos but when I try doing the next night of the susan corruption event, I get an error message
[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.ApplicationException
Message:    Location\Hooter\Bedroom\SusanCorruption [EXEC] caused an exception at operation SeqAct_TextReplacePersonContext (ID: 366).
Source:      hhs+.exe

Inner Exception 1
Type:        System.ArgumentNullException
Message:    Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: Person
Source:      hhs+
Stack Trace: at hhs_.SeqAct_TextReplacePersonContext.Activated(EventRunner Runner) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\_EventActions\_EventActions_TextReplace\SeqAct_TextReplacePersonContext.cs:line 32
  at hhs_.EventRunner.<ExecuteAsync>d__126.MoveNext() in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\EventRunner.cs:line 1229
not really into coding so not exactly sure what I need to do to fix it

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Quote from: blacklwolf666 on Dec 23, 2023, 01:29 PM*snip*

You going about it the wrong way. The first thing one needs to know is what version of HooterFixes are you using. Normal of NF.

The second is that the error points that the code cannot find the person. So open NormalSchool\Mods\HooterFixes\Events\Location\Hooter\Bedroom\SusanCorruption event in VEE and there's a 99% chance you'll see a red string constant that you just have to re-name (should turn green), save and from debug window add changed events.

⚧ Squark

@blacklwolf666, I can't quite pinpoint why it's not working for you.
If you have Petra and not Peter, then this should be of some assistance.

I'm going out on a limb here but you could try opening the Debug Console and tabbing over to Debug Events then expanding Location, then Hooter, then Bedroom. Make sure of the version of HooterFixes you're using and then doubleclick SusanCorruption as ElPresidenete said.
Check for any references to Peter and edit them appropriately.

Also take a look through FunctionLibrary\MiscChainSpecific\MsHooterBedroomPics for more references to Peter.

Edit any references to Peter you can find to read as Petra and it should all be tick-tock.


Quote from: ElPresidenete on Dec 23, 2023, 07:26 PM
Quote from: blacklwolf666 on Dec 23, 2023, 01:29 PM*snip*

You going about it the wrong way. The first thing one needs to know is what version of HooterFixes are you using. Normal of NF.

The second is that the error points that the code cannot find the person. So open NormalSchool\Mods\HooterFixes\Events\Location\Hooter\Bedroom\SusanCorruption event in VEE and there's a 99% chance you'll see a red string constant that you just have to re-name (should turn green), save and from debug window add changed events.

finally got it working. I did exactly what you said, thank you.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

ALLIMAGES updated 280b of selected images and gifs

added MDYoga WIP

RAdnomFixes - second WIP. Should work better now. Still needs a lot of testing

Made improvements to More Suggestions, but those will have to wait

ElPresideneteTopic starter

I will have to re-upload pretty much everything with improved version. Doing lots of stuff but so many things at once (and on multiple Pc's) I keep loosing/missing files.

Things you can look forward too in the very near future:

MD yoga
- chain will actually start + hopefully random encounters around town . Currently chain has around 6 stages

More Suggestions
- Influence dreams can now influence all fetishes. Much longer list of fetishes and more balanced than the cheaty version. Cheaty version will remain and be flagged as such
- will add gender preferrence influence too.
- Vouyeristic sex can now only target people on location. No more teleporting. Cheat version will remain for those who want it. I also plan on adding location check and movement

Random Fixes
- more random events around town
- Beach swimming events full working
- onsen events expansion (hopefully)
- more Annette events and talks
- fixed new slave system. Tested it and it works (you cna have up to 3 slaves), but something with slave interactions is still a bit wonky.
- probably more

Bully Chain (influence and guide bullies picking on a student) - in progress
April Raymund alternate path - in progress

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Still not there, but updated the RandomFixes_WIP2 zip and MDYoga zip.
Should deal with the worst bugs andmake MDYog actualy playable.

Feedback on the slave system appreciated.
NOTE - if you can research but not produce sleep gas, you should still get one in the inventory. Use Debug to edit inventory nad add moreto the stack.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

I'm having a real hard time testing some of the stuff, because HHS+ is acting really weird. Even when I manually add new events for some reason the game loads the old one.

Having to start a new game to test is a chore.
That said, later today I?m gonan upload new versio nfo some stuff that should (hopefully work better)

Expanded a bit on Annete pregnancy talk. Now a event can fire and dependaon if you or Annete are pregnant and who the father is, you can get different outcome an options. Turrning Annete into a futa and her getting fem/futa MC preggo is also supported and acoutned for.



so for the hell of it tried doing the event with normal, male, Peter and this error popped up when I attempted to hand Peter the pictures of his mom after the first bedroom event. Any Idea on how to fix this?

[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.ApplicationException
Message:    FunctionLibrary\MiscChainSpecific\MsHooterBedroomPics [TRY] caused an exception at operation SeqAct_GetItemByNameFromInventory (ID: 153).
    called by PersonAttachedEvents\PeterHooter\Visit_SusanCorruption at SeqActLat_RemoteEvent (ID: 37)
Source:      hhs+.exe

Inner Exception 1
Type:        System.NullReferenceException
Message:    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source:      mscorlib
Stack Trace: at System.Object.GetType()
  at hhs_.SeqAct_GetItemByNameFromInventory.Activated(EventRunner Runner) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\_EventActions\_EventActions_Item\SeqAct_GetItemByNameFromInventory.cs:line 110
  at hhs_.EventRunner.<TryEventAsync>d__113.MoveNext() in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\EventRunner.cs:line 857

⚧ Squark

Quote from: blacklwolf666 on Jan 08, 2024, 03:26 PMso for the hell of it tried doing the event with normal, male, Peter and this error popped up when I attempted to hand Peter the pictures of his mom after the first bedroom event. Any Idea on how to fix this?

[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.ApplicationException
Message:    FunctionLibrary\MiscChainSpecific\MsHooterBedroomPics [TRY] caused an exception at operation SeqAct_GetItemByNameFromInventory (ID: 153).
    called by PersonAttachedEvents\PeterHooter\Visit_SusanCorruption at SeqActLat_RemoteEvent (ID: 37)
Source:      hhs+.exe

Inner Exception 1
Type:        System.NullReferenceException
Message:    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source:      mscorlib
Stack Trace: at System.Object.GetType()
  at hhs_.SeqAct_GetItemByNameFromInventory.Activated(EventRunner Runner) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\_EventActions\_EventActions_Item\SeqAct_GetItemByNameFromInventory.cs:line 110
  at hhs_.EventRunner.<TryEventAsync>d__113.MoveNext() in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\EventRunner.cs:line 857

Which HooterFixes are you using? You'll want to use the NF version if you're going non-futa with Peter. Just be sure to refresh the events and objects if you have to replace the mod.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

re-uploaded RandomFixes, MDYoga and MoreSuggestions. Latest version with improved/more stuff. I hope

Removedthe WIP versions to reduce confusion.
