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[MOD] More suggestions and other mods - WIP (updated 29.1.2024) [Experimantal]

Started by ElPresidenete, Sep 03, 2023, 11:44 AM

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So I'm not getting any exceptions but the club president disappearance still happens.

Edit: nvm, it corrected itself.

Edit2: spoke too soon and now this

[General Info]

Application: HHS+
Version:     v1.10.6.0, Release
Region:      English (United Kingdom)
Date: 12/01/2024
Time: 04:31

User Explanation:

User said ""

[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.ApplicationException
Message:     Location\School\Gym\YogaEvents [EXEC] caused an exception at operation SeqAct_TextReplacePersonContext (ID: 146).
Source:      hhs+.exe

Inner Exception 1
Type:        System.ArgumentNullException
Message:     Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: Person
Source:      hhs+
Stack Trace: at hhs_.SeqAct_TextReplacePersonContext.Activated(EventRunner Runner) in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\_EventActions\_EventActions_TextReplace\SeqAct_TextReplacePersonContext.cs:line 32
   at hhs_.EventRunner.<ExecuteAsync>d__126.MoveNext() in hhs+\_Editor\_EventModules\EventRunner.cs:line 1229


[Assembly Info]

mscorlib, Version=
System.Xaml, Version=
log4net, Version=
PresentationCore, Version=
System, Version=
WindowsBase, Version=
PresentationFramework, Version=
Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit, Version=
FontAwesome6.Core, Version=
System.Core, Version=
WindowsFormsIntegration, Version=
System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Version=
Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=
Microsoft.Msagl.GraphViewerGdi, Version=
Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing, Version=
System.Drawing, Version=
System.Data.SQLite, Version=
System.Xml, Version=
Cronos, Version=
System.Runtime.Caching, Version=
System.Data, Version=
FontAwesome6.Svg.Net, Version=
ExceptionReporter.NET, Version=
OxyPlot.Wpf, Version=
OxyPlot, Version=
Microsoft.Msagl, Version=
Imazen.WebP, Version=
XamlAnimatedGif, Version=
OxyPlot.Wpf.Shared, Version=


[System Info]

Operating System
-Microsoft Windows 11 Home
--CodeSet = 1252
--CSDVersion =
--CurrentTimeZone = -360
--FreePhysicalMemory = 2343480
--OSArchitecture = 64-bit
--OSLanguage = 1033
--ServicePackMajorVersion = 0
--ServicePackMinorVersion = 0
--Version = 10.0.22631

--Manufacturer = ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.
--Model = ZenBook UX562IQ_Q507IQ
--TotalPhysicalMemory = 7968182272


[Contact Info]


Corrupting Students since 2006

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Ahh... that's an easy fix and an uncritical errors. Ther's a lot of random branches and switches for mini-events  and one that I added aks for a student. I forgot to add a check in front of it. Will fix it, but the error wont' break the chain and the YogaEvent will run.. there's like 1/20 chance for that sub-event to be triggered.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Quote from: TBBle on Jan 11, 2024, 05:16 PMA suggestion: you could show the parent with the attached event in the Smartphone entry for the club, for people who forget.

I'd rather the president actually wans't constatnly un-assigned (as it's an easy refference to get), but it could be that it's something to do with my save/game.

I need confimarion from people  playing that the president dissapears. So for you who are trying this, hit the office button to get  a president, check on the computer if hte president is set, then check back tomorrow to see if it's still assigned.

I looked into the smartphone club entry, and I made one for hte Yoga club, but I don't see how to add a representative in ther in a simple way. For other clubs, things are calculated/fethced on the fly.

I cannot add an object(person) input variable, as any call would then require it, and I have no way to supply something that ins't global/saved somewhere.

Perhaps I should make a special character the president/representative? Lydia Swan and Jalabitch spring to mind as they have no quest chains that I'm aware off, but they both aren't parents (and I was thinking of using Jelabitch for the swmining teacher corruption chain).
Others are already involved in other things and I dont' want to cause scheduling conflicts....

On another note, I notice one club has a staggered schedule. Can I make a club that only meets on weekends?


For the Smartphone entry, I assume you're storing the name of the person with the attached event somewhere, and can just show it in text when the club journal entry is read. Some of the clubs and other event chains actually use their smartphone journal event for persistent storage, making it easier to rejig other events without breaking save-games. (The main alternative for storage is global variables, but you can only put an int there and it won't render as a bitfield, so more-dynamic quests can't be done that way.)

So if you're not already, perhaps store the name at the same time as you attach the event in a reload-persistent variable in the journal, and clear it when detaching?

Which club has a static schedule? I saw a note in the bug-tracker that there's a pending feature request to allow clubs to have better schedules, e.g., so clubs can share a room on alternate days, so AFAIK (and looking at the File Editor) you can't already do that.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

HMmmm.... Guess the Cheerleading club phone entry is incorrect them. It mentions special schedule 2 days a week.

Again, my issue is how do I pass that string (name) to the phone club event.

If I attach an input string to the event start (so I cna input it with Remote Event) then it will always require a string, won't it? The smartphone club info calling event will probably fail.

Wait...reference variable to the previous event (the one that sets up the president/representative)? I completley forgot that exists!

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Ok, NEW version of

Can't do much about the current save (you'll just have ot wait 14 days and talk to all parents in the club to see which one gets the special talk option), but new games (or games that still haven't triggered second stage) SHOULD now dispaly the rep name in smartphone club info.
Also, no wait between 2nd and 3rd stage, so you cna talk immediately.

Added new events to club and GymStorage, fixed some logic.


Quote from: ElPresidenete on Jan 12, 2024, 11:38 AMHMmmm.... Guess the Cheerleading club phone entry is incorrect them. It mentions special schedule 2 days a week.

Ah, you're right, the Cheerleading club has two morning sessions a week before school, Tuesday and Thursdays.

However, it's managed directly by Location\School\Sports Area\LOC_Sports moving all the cheerleaders and marking them no-schedule when you enter the location, it's not handled by the club system at all.

So until you trigger the practice event on a given day, club members will be wandering around the school/town as normal. Also, it won't trigger any "ClubEvents"; but Cheerleaders doesn't use any of those.

In fact, only a couple of older no-quest-chain clubs use "ClubEvents" (Kendo and Wrestling), the rest rely on location-based events for their hard-coded clubroom. I'm not sure if "ClubEvents" was a new system that most clubs weren't converted to, or a deprecated system that most clubs weren't converted away from. Or both. (It seems like it would be more efficient, as the engine can know to skip them when the club isn't in session, rather than falling through into VEE.)

If the work for more-flexible club schedules gets done, maybe ClubEvents will have more value to remove a bunch of "Is club in session" checks at the start of the club chain events and move them out of the various Location folders. (It'd also make things easier for modders who rearrange the world if they don't have to rejig all the club VEE files just to change the club room.)

The exhibition club, which canonically changes location each session, could have its logic simplified too. (I didn't check, but I expect the Exhibition Club events are actually location events, like the Cheerleading morning practice, and hence aren't being handled by the NPC scheduler).


Great news the fixes worked and we're in business. Just just have to find the vending machine, also the club does not appear in the phone.
Corrupting Students since 2006


So how long do i have to wait between the vending machine and putting drugs in?
Corrupting Students since 2006

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Immediately... hmmm

Ok, made a quick edit. You should get the school upgrade,and after that a button in the gym


it's gonna take me a while to get back there due to the fact that I can never get the Reload Game Events functions to work properly, thus having to start from the beginning. Stay tune for report.
Corrupting Students since 2006

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Quote from: Zaiaku on Jan 15, 2024, 12:44 AMit's gonna take me a while to get back there due to the fact that I can never get the Reload Game Events functions to work properly, thus having to start from the beginning. Stay tune for report.

You have to hit the reload buttun below once you add changed events. Make sure to click it real good. Sometimes it doesn't take, so best to click a few times.


So I have a problem and i have no idea what caused it. I accidentally deleted the whole of my MDYoga mod file and went to redownload it and the event file and now it won't generate people for the club even though the generic events fire.
Corrupting Students since 2006

ElPresideneteTopic starter

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Hm...what character could I use for the representative/president?

Yorchild (onsen owner)?
One of the shop owners?

Which ones schedule would be hte least messed up? Perhaps Slutsky?