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[Mod] [Mods] barteke22's mod index

Started by barteke22, May 13, 2022, 11:54 PM

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barteke22Topic starter

1.11 Mods

Index of my mods.  All compatible with each other and kept up to date with the latest release.

All my mod settings are now located in the Map's top left button.  All of them work on existing saves.

Main mods

- Akira and the Stargazing Club.
- PD_System_Heads/Body.
- Indicators & Difficulty.
- Wig Shop.
- Teacher Compendium & Management App.
- PD System New.

Other mods

- Annette and Andy.
- Find my Phone (app).
- Visible Slave Collar.
- Population Config.
- NPC Relationships.

Known issues:

1.11 Downloads Here.

Whichever mod you download, also get the 'ALL MODS NEED ME (GPCC)' mod.  Refer to the guides for a visual explanation, otherwise:

Mod folder now goes into Schools\NormalSchool\Mods.  Then enable mod in Modules before starting a New Game.

On existing saves/updating:

1. Enable mod in Debug > Modules.

2. Click 'Update Save'.

Older versions
1.10 Downloads Here.
1.9.5 Downloads Here.
Follow the installation instructions for that specific version.

barteke22Topic starter

Akira and the Stargazing Club

Mod content: Sci-fi, X-ray glasses, Invisibility Suit, Mind Control/Drugs (minor), Bestiality (tentacles/slime girl), Futanari, Urination, Voyeurism, Trap (very minor). Content filter/decisions apply.

Important: This is a story based mod, borderline visual novel. There's about 3-10 text boxes per story event.

Intended to be played along with base game progression, but should work either way (installing late game might impact pacing).

Pretty much equal content for all three principal genders, mainly straight female/futa focus (yuri for fem PC + fem Akira).

Foreword (info)
Big mod that I've finished off after neglecting it for 4+ years, individual components tested, but be warned that this needs player testing.

Long story short, I've been putting it off due to lost motivation for writing text.

It was mainly ground down by generic event portions and the fact that there were more interesting aspects.

While the main story is finished, and has a futa, female and non-sex route, the mod as a whole was a tad more ambitious.

There were supposed to be 2 more side characters that fit into it and gate certain aspects. I've used Bells as a placeholder for one.

The NPCs exist, but it's unlikely I'll ever find the time to expand on them. Nonetheless they were meant as more of an expansion, so they don't really detract from the story.

There's also a bunch of other stuff I've thrown in as feature tests over the years, like wearable glasses and nuns that serve no purpose.

There's minor 'trap' content, mainly to make it passable with other gender mixes.

While I don't have anything against yaoi, I prefer futa/female/cute trap - and didn't feel like I'd write quality content if I didn't enjoy it.

The story isn't some masterpiece, it was mostly just interesting ideas I had thrown together whilst experimenting with mechanics.

Along with LookAround this is basically the experimental stuff that got me into modding.

Some of the recent changes have finally made some of the ideas I was struggling to get working possible - so I got back to it while updating my mods.

The final set of generic events (150 images for PC invisibility) had to be deprecated, due to lack of decent text.

Nonetheless I'd like to thank bandit224 for providing text that I've loosely adapted into some of the generic events to that point.

Synopsis (spoiler-free):  You find an old door.  Witness a shooting star.

A mysterious student visits your office.  The Town Council 'encourages' more clubs.

You go on a journey to obtain tools of perversion.  How can I be any more vague to avoid spoilers?

Synopsis (heavy spoilers)
Shapeshifting mind control alien crash lands, enrols at your school, you befriend her (innocent mind).

Opens a stargazing club, club progresses as you 'corrupt' her.  She invents stuff like x-ray glasses, invisibility suits.

You can hang out with her, as well as get assistance for certain gameplay elements.

There's also an alien plant you can nurture as a side thing, which might turn into some interesting stuff.

Notes on progression
The progression is closely tied to the club member stats.  Mainly arousal, inhibition and lust.

Corruption has become more of a crime (forced) stat, as that's the direction base game is heading.

Certain parts are tied to repeating scenes/visits (there's variation/progression), though probably not as grindy as base game.

There's also a lot of optional stuff, as well as stuff that might aid you in base game progression (maybe).

As I didn't want people asking for a walkthrough for every step of the way, the journal will be pretty direct with its hints - so just follow that.

However the first few steps don't have an entry, there's context clues once you find the first location. But if you don't want to discover them on your own:
First steps
Starts at the school rooftop.  Afterwards chance of Forest at night.  Then go about your work as usual for a good while.
Alien Plant logic

Features (spoilers)
  • Big dicc space futa waifu. Or no dicc space waifu. Or no space waifu.
  • A stargazing club. Two upgrades.
  • Regular & X-ray glasses (generic events).
  • Invisibility suit with 5 designs (generic events).
    • One edited from Kisekae (prototype). 3 hand drawn from prototype (Taimanin). One edited from a DeviantArt drawing (Samus).
  • Akira impersonating NPCs to affect them.
  • Temporary skill boosts.
  • Searching for NPCs and making them follow you & stay put.
  • Alien plant to nurture into money/tentacles/slime.
  • Artificial Cock (fem PC).
  • Unlockable teacher that was meant to have a story once upon a time.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)


barteke22Topic starter

PD_System_Heads & Body

Comes as two mods.  The Heads module can work on its own, replaces PD heads. Is pretty complete.
The Body module relies on the Head module and replaces PD bodies / clothes. Is mostly WIP.
The Body module is not compatible with any other big PD-centric mods (mods that replace many PD events).

Heads module:
- Replaces all (or select) NPC heads with a multi-layer system consisting of head, face, 3 hair layers, hair accessories.
- Provides a mirror in player's bathroom for customising their head.
- NPC heads can be customised via interactions.
- Allows change of hairstyle and colour, eye colour, piercings, and a few other things.
- Applies aging overlays to old NPCs, grays their hair.
- Has a bunch of settings under Map > Mod Options.
- Debug > Debug Events > Enable Debug Events provides additional options (that don't make sense via regular gameplay).

Body module:
- Replaces all (or select) NPC bodies with a multi-layer system (consisting of many layers).
- Same customisation options and settings as Heads module.
- Provides extra customisations like body piercings.
- The Clothing Store allows you to customise school uniforms.

Body module is WIP:
- Does not replace most existing PDs due to lack of assets (time). Simply colourises them via a (somewhat accurate) shader.
- It looks much better if you remove all non-default skin colours from the colour lists, since those don't need shadering for base game outfits.
- Certain body customisations (like body piercings) do not apply to base game PDs.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Heads + Body:


There's another PD system mod by @shpungout on Discord that's more asset complete (1:1 asset replacement of base game system) and appears to perform better from brief testing.
It isn't as complex as this version yet, but will soon enough be on par in terms of features.  You might want to check it out instead (not directly compatible).

barteke22Topic starter

Indicators & Difficulty

Disclaimer: Push the numbers (options) too far, and your game will be way outside the intended balance - which in turn can potentially break things. Should be safe with moderation.

Some ideas/suggestions I've picked up over time for making the overall game difficulty easier.

Exhaustion accumulates if you don't sleep enough (on average, etc.), you end up in the hospital if it's too high.

This lets you customise exhaustion difficulty (factors), disable exhaustion, and/or add a visual indicator of how exhausted you are (not 100% accurate, but gives a good enough idea).

Also provides a button for drinking one, or multiple energy drinks at once.

Visual indicators (multiple can be used together) to help you keep track of when to sleep to stay healthy:
  • UI Button: A button next to 'Smartphone' that says how rested you are. Can also be used to drink multiple Energy Drinks at once.
  • Expressions: The principal's expression changes based on exhaustion. You can view yourself by hovering over your name.
  • Energy Cap: Your exhaustion lowers your Max Energy. This is an extra difficulty layer.
  • Timing: How often the visuals are updated (constantly by default, but this might improve performance).
Stats & Skills
Lets you increase the rate at which certain people gain skills, or stats.

Easier only, but I can easily add a harder option as well, if anyone is actually interested.
  • Principal: Skill, stat, money and reputation gain.
  • Others (everyone, or certain groups): Stat gain.
Slave Feeding
This might not be 100% reliable, but should work for the most part (if you have enough time to reach the map before the Slave's death, turning the config on and off should reset it). You shouldn't configure this until you actually have a Slave (performance impact).

There's two options here:  Cheat via Map config, or a more lore friendly one (Map config takes priority if enabled):
  • Via Map Config: Auto feed the Slave every X days (if you just want help), or completely disable the need (feed every day).
  • Lore Friendly: You might notice something at the General Store.
    • You can only see it (not buy) until you get a Slave. Has upkeep costs. Won't work if the Map Config one is enabled.
Both the lockpicking and hacking minigames can be customised (each on their own).

  • Vanilla Lock: Whatever your vanilla lockpicking minigame is.
  • Vanilla Hack: Whatever your vanilla hacking minigame is.
  • Simon Says: A bootleg game of simon says (repeat colour pattern).
  • Node Disruption: Target each node (in order), to bypass security.
  • Skill RNG: You will do an RNG roll to succeed (skill*2 - difficuty*12 + 20).
  • Minimum Skill: You will do a skill check to succeed (skill >= difficulty*9).
  • Cheat Skip: You will always succeed.

Skip (supported by the first 4 styles):
  • No Skip: Always do a minigame, like vanilla.
  • Skill RNG Skip: An RNG roll to see if the minigame is skipped based on your skill vs the difficulty.
  • Minimum Skill Skip:  If you meet the minimum skill vs difficulty calculation the minigame is skipped.

Difficulty bonus:  Bonus added to the vanilla difficulty, positive for harder, negative for easier.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)


barteke22Topic starter

Wig Shop

A simple mod that adds a Wig Shop to the Shopping Mall. You can buy wigs for yourself, or other NPCs.

It basically lets you/others 'wear' any head in the game.  Also comes with almost 300 cosplay based wigs.

'Why wigs? Why not a hair salon, or facial makeover?' you might wonder:

Because how else would I explain that the new head doesn't fit event images? You just took off your wig for that event ;)

This mod should also automatically add any heads in the right vanilla folders to its list.  Cosplay heads too, in the mod's folder.

At the Shopping Mall: A wig costs 50$, can be sold back for 10$. Wigs appear under 'Gift Wear'.

In order to make someone else wear it you need to meet basic trading (stat) requirements (Items -> Give Wig):
  • For a wig matching their gender, you must be able to give (trade) items to them. So if 'Items -> Trade' is visible, you can also give them a wig.
  • Making them wear a wig meant for the opposite gender requires the ability to take (trade) items from them. You can bribe/hypno them otherwise (so long as 1. is met).
  • Basically, it's based on stats like Loyalty, Corruption, and/or some other minor things. Unless you're in cheat mode.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Cosplay credits
Some of the vanilla heads might look strange on some outfits/NPCs. I can't help this, they were poorly cut/cut only for a specific outfit.

barteke22Topic starter

Teacher Compendium & Management App

Remake of Random Teachers, via a button event at the principal office computer.

Adds a compendium for adding random generic teachers (selected from a percentage of the population).

You must first either earn their approval, or pay them enough.

Also adds a way to access parts of the Management Panel remotely.

Most of the stuff is locked behind hacking, though you should have little use for those things in early game.

Relies heavily on hacking, though it's mostly optional.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)


barteke22Topic starter

Other mods

Annette and Andy
Not much to say, allows both Annette and Andy to move in, and enables their content (though Andy doesn't have much).

If neither has moved in yet, the choice of both vs just one is final - otherwise you'll be asked if you want the other one.

Find My Phone (Smartphone App)
A simple smartphone app that let's you locate the phone of up to 50 of your contacts at the same time (your own included).

This app is mostly for fun, as NPCs can move very fast - so knowing their location won't help you in most cases.

The app is a one time 20$ purchase from the FAPP Store (smartphone). Can be found in Other Apps after the purchase.


Visible Slave Collar
Not much to say, a test mod that makes worn slave collars visible on the PD.

Keep in mind that NPCs have to decide to actually equip the collar for it to appear - so it only becomes visible when the collar starts having effect on the NPC's stats.

Important note when installing on existing saves:  In the conflict dialogue for the Slave Collar item (when Reloading Game Objects), you have to pick NEW values for everything.

Population Config
Allows you to configure age ranges, genders, bodysizes and gender preferences for different groups / specific NPCs in existing saves via the Map's Mod Config Menu (also automatically prompts on New Game start).

The following options are what you can do:
  • Student Minimum Age and Minimum Reproduction Age
  • Player character Age
  • All Student Ages
  • Non-Special Student Ages
  • Special Student Ages
  • All Adult Ages
  • Non-Special Adult Ages
  • Special Adult Ages
  • Specific Person Age

Similar options are available for gender mixes, bodysizes and gender preferences.

NPC Relationships
Small daily NPC Relationships mod.
  • NPCs have chance to grow friendship within their circles each day.
  • NPCs have chance to have sex with their Spouse, lover, or friend (if neither) instead.
  • All based on certain stats & criteria. Other students won't qualify at all, your will if rules permit it and you've encouraged them.
  • Tiny chance of small cheating penalty. Tiny because the RNG nature of event candidate selection doesn't really make 'cheating' meaningful. They don't exactly go out of their way to do it...
  • Weekly stat adjustments for family / town, based on family / town averages.
  • Weekly rule reputation adjustments based on town stats.

barteke22Topic starter


barteke22Topic starter


barteke22Topic starter


barteke22Topic starter


barteke22Topic starter


barteke22Topic starter


barteke22Topic starter


barteke22Topic starter

1.10.6 Mods.
These are no longer maintained, but should be pretty bug free.  All my mod settings are now located in the Map's top left button.

Both download links also contain whatever was salvaged of other people's mods - I'll remove those once their owners take them off my hands.
While some mods listed under 'Not my mods' might also work for the full 1.10.0 version, it's best to wait until someone properly updates them.

Main mods

- Akira and the Stargazing Club.
Pregnancy Mod
1.10.X Updates:
  • Added an Info Panel tab to pregnancy with stats/info.
  • Improved stomachs by using a combination of overlays and shaders.
  • Added Age drugs (unlocked by the shady story + chemistry). Up to X (setting) children that reach the minimum age will turn into real NPCs.
  • Added lots of new options. Like fertility, gender multipliers, male pregnancy, aging speed, event skip.
  • Added generic child interactions, improved generic child events. Nothing lewd for obvious reasons.
    • The interaction system is easily expandable.
  • Added Missing Girl quest integration, it's now possible to make her not leave town on pregnancy path.
  • Simple lactation support. Only for NPCs supported by the game to avoid issues.

  • Weekly Rep hit if percentage of students pregnant is higher than town corruption/lust.
  • Less Rep hit/potential gain if proper policies enabled accordingly.
  • Policy related check condom supply in ward + negotiate more/take some.
  • Asking pregnant NPCs who the father is, based on relationship. Tells how many weeks in, etc.
  • Condom Menu: Option to ignore HasQuest. Fertility options.
  • Higher chance of pregnancy, but everyone can choose to get condoms now.
  • Max 1 box per NPC unless given by PC - if ran out chance to get (student rule disobedience has chance of detention).
  • Higher NPC corruption/lust = less chance of getting condoms (+ personality/nature's law based). Students are based on school policies + their personality/loyalty.
  • Random event to peek on NPC birth if one is currently happening (30min window when it happens - so rare). Pretty much same as PC birth.
  • No condom use if non-consensual (hypno etc), except if PC is the aggressor and wears one.
  • Daily try for baby among parent couples: Max percentage of population is based on average lust.
  • Special background for calling/texting (GLaDOS Chat) people, not really related, but made along with this. Only used in this so far.
  • Game starts with 0-5 pregnant people (+ 1 born) for potential flavour.
  • Condoms (buy in Sex Shop).  Could maybe use a pill alternative.  Item contains the mod settings (use it):
    • 2/3/6/9 month pregnancy. Low child expenses ON/OFF.
  • HasQuest/Infertile can't get pregnant unless trait is removed, or CanImpregnate is added (setting).
  • Otherwise factors like has condom + fertility can lead to pregnancy.
  • Hospital: Artificial insemination, pregnancy tests, child index, a shady doctor for a certain chain, birth.
  • NPC-NPC are just notable by belly bulges (since it's not really PC's bussiness).  Can decide to abort if father unknown (hypno), or if bad relations with father.
  • PC mother: Can abort (early), track down and notify father (to bring up together, have them bring it up, just for child support). Or not.
  • PC father: Will be notified (unless happened due to hypno). Similar to above, but can also bribe/hypno to bugger off if you're a nice person. Then NPC treats it like NPC-NPC.
  • Parent visits to play with children. You can visit them if you have the address and they're bringing it up.
  • Allows any gender combos to have children via either sex or artificial insemination.
  • Children don't really do anything besides wasting money (or in rare cases earning it).
  • A single (1) child can 'grow up' via some shady shid.
Compatibility/expansion notes
Child interactions can be expanded by adding events to ExtensionLibrary\Pregnancy\Interactions\.
  • There's an example event in the mod's Interactions folder that explains how it works.
  • The other events there can be used as example of what can be done.

Birth overlays support special NPCs and age-based images:
  • SpecialCharacters:
    • If you need custom ones, add images matching the pregnancy ones (see images folder).
    • In the same folders as the regular ones, prefixed with the 'NPC's Name_ImageName.png', like 'Stacy Slutsky_Birth_Frown.png'.
  • Age:
    • Same as regular images (or above for specials), but in age-subfolders like ...\Pregnancy\09\.

The old (1-3) and new (3-10) stomach overlays can be added in the same way as the birth ones.
  • However, if your NPC's body doesn't match the new ones (vanilla) you'll likely also need to provide a shader event for your NPC.
  • You tweak the shader before making optional overlays for it.
  • Basically make a copy of the FunctionLibrary\PaperDoll\CustomLayers\Stomach\Pregnancy event.
  • Give it lower priority and make it clear the stomach layer at the start (to remove regular shader).
  • Then tweak the event till it works.

Small edits to:
  • Events\ExtensionLibrary\Smartphone\Main\
  • Events\FunctionLibrary\Interaction\

Potential areas for expansion that others can take over (completely), or help with (I prefer doing mechanics over text/balance-logic):
  • Condoms: Replace with 48h lasting pills, 2 variants: Anti-get/make pregnant. Or keep condoms for dicks, and add pills just for vaginas/dicks. Easy enough, just not important.
  • Divorce/marriage mechanics. And pregnancy having an effect on them.
  • Relationship changes caused by pregnancy for NPC-NPC don't exist. Currently if PC is positive about 'it' they get +10 to rel, if they react poorly -50 (50% chance of NPC abortion/lie).
  • Expand on parent visits (PC). Currently there's a generic event for PC being visited/PC visiting.
  • Expand on the 'shady' chain 'result'.
  • Events, events, more events.  There's no pregnancy events: No sex scenes, interactions, etc. I'm not talking about replacing existing images with pregnancy ones (that's pretty unrealistic), just adding some pregnancy content.
  • Add some flavour reactions all over the place based on personality, etc. perhaps.
  • If one were to apply dynamic fertility (man/menstrual cycles) to PC as well, we'd probably need some way to track it). Simple enough, I guess.
  • Ideas: If angry mother didn't abort PC's child, she can use it for blackmail in future? If PC mother told the father to leave her be, he can do the same. PC lying to someone else that they're the father?

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

- Indicators & Difficulty.
- Wig Shop.
- Teacher Compendium & Management App.
- PD System New.

Other mods

- Annette and Andy.
- Find my Phone (app).
- Visible Slave Collar.
- Population Config.
- NPC Relationships.

Known issues:

1.10 Downloads Here.

Whichever mod you download, also get the 'ALL MODS NEED ME (GPCC)' mod.  Refer to the guides for a visual explanation, otherwise:

Mod folder now goes into Schools\NormalSchool\Mods.  Then enable mod in Modules before starting a New Game.

On existing saves/updating:

1. Enable mod in Debug (Modules).

2. Reload Game Objects (click Add Changed first) -> Refresh.

3. Reload Events (click Add Changed first) -> Refresh.

*Mods that add custom SpecialCharacters .xml files are new game only (there's an alternative way to add NPCs now).