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Stupid questions thread

Started by ElPresidenete, Sep 04, 2023, 07:42 AM

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ElPresideneteTopic starter

I think I am going insane.

Swith By Integer Range should only every activate ONE output, right?

Because right now it is behaving like it's activating all of them, every time.


escuse me for asking guys but is the game still being developped? i'm asking because last update was more then a year ago


Quote from: Netscape1964 on Dec 17, 2024, 12:22 PMescuse me for asking guys but is the game still being developped? i'm asking because last update was more then a year ago
Yes, the game is still being developed - currently undergoing a scheduling rework that should enable more predictable movement/location access for NPCs, in turn allowing activities - games, work, police patrols and the like - to create a more consistent city population.


thanks, was getting worried since i quite like the game