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Stupid questions thread

Started by ElPresidenete, Sep 04, 2023, 07:42 AM

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Alright, I'm about to head to bed for a bit - final question for you for now, @ElPresidenete - are you using the VEE editor, or modifying in a text editor?  If you are using the VEE, make sure that you have loaded the game with your mod active, closed the game, and then opened the VEE and the problematic mod.  If you do not see any images in the section supplied for Show Image, then the the image is not linked correctly - or if it's a random selection, the folder hasn't been set relative to the mod correctly, and is looking for the images in the Schools/Normal/Images folder rather than your Mod/Images folder.  Beyond that, I have no clue.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

Quote from: DeniedInMontana on Mar 19, 2024, 02:35 PMAlright, I'm about to head to bed for a bit - final question for you for now, @ElPresidenete - are you using the VEE editor, or modifying in a text editor?  If you are using the VEE, make sure that you have loaded the game with your mod active, closed the game, and then opened the VEE and the problematic mod.  If you do not see any images in the section supplied for Show Image, then the the image is not linked correctly - or if it's a random selection, the folder hasn't been set relative to the mod correctly, and is looking for the images in the Schools/Normal/Images folder rather than your Mod/Images folder.  Beyond that, I have no clue.

My mods are alaways fully loaded.

ActionImageProvider doesn't preview images, whicch is why it's so infuriating


My suggestion would be to open the ActionImageProvider VEE itself and set the first Switch By Integer Range as a breakpoint, to be sure it's being called and with what variables.  Then you can follow the path step by step to see where it is going.  I also noticed that this particular VEE ONLY has a try phase, so if it's being rejected in there you can find out why.  Just make sure you right click the eyeball to focus on the current process/action as you step through, if you haven't already.

I noticed that you have no outputs for the rejected links - putting a text box of "error - rejected" would give a quick note if it's breaking in that call before doing a hard search through the AIP VEE.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

I tried both Action image and Action image provider and neither show up the image in the event. It's frustrating.

In other news, I finally figured out that SlaveHandler fireing off 4 times error.
The script itself was OK. the problem is that the game REFUSED to use the new script, no matter what I tried. Adding changed scipts, refreshing, saving loading. Repeat several times. No effect.
I even made a script that removes an Attached Event and then puts it back, hoping THAT would fix it. Nope. Once an event is attached to a person it's there to stay and cannot be updated with a new version.

Enslaving a new person - new script is attached and works fine.


I'm seeing two things in the most recent download (Currently dated 2/15/24 in your mediafire list) of RandomFixes pertaining to some of your struggles.

1st, the folder setup you have initially set for the Location/Outdoors Shared/ does not exist in any of your mods or downloads, including the pack.  I haven't looked at the rest to see if that is the case elsewhere.

2nd, the folder layouts are looking for gender folders inside each when going for image packs - take a look at GenSex Image and Character Packs.txt and General Sex Functions.pdf in the Docs folder.

3rd, when looking at the individual events for Mods\RandomFixes\Events\Interactions\Special\ and others, the image path isn't set correctly, so the event is looking for the nearest matching folder setup - which is often in the bondage-sex folder instead, so the images wouldn't match up.  Some which are looking for a specific image such as the handjob, have the wrong filename listed with nothing similar in any events, which is where the black image comes from (I believe).

Hopefully this helps track down what you're looking at?

ElPresideneteTopic starter

IIRC, the age gap enoucnter calls iamges dirently, not with ActionIamgeProvider.

And sleep action should refer to "Mods\RandomFixes\Images\sleep_sex" path, unless I'm going crazy, which I might well be.

I will take a look

ElPresideneteTopic starter

If I want to add more images to GenericSex, do I have to put them in the bas folder, or can I put them in a mod (with the same folder name/structure) and the game will load both image sets?


Quote from: ElPresidenete on Apr 23, 2024, 10:57 AMIf I want to add more images to GenericSex, do I have to put them in the bas folder, or can I put them in a mod (with the same folder name/structure) and the game will load both image sets?

I've tried that before as well, and I couldn't get it working - so I just added them to the base folder instead.  Of course, I only tried for like 30 seconds before saying "Eh, not worth the effort".


Quote from: DeniedInMontana on Apr 23, 2024, 11:02 AM
Quote from: ElPresidenete on Apr 23, 2024, 10:57 AMIf I want to add more images to GenericSex, do I have to put them in the bas folder, or can I put them in a mod (with the same folder name/structure) and the game will load both image sets?

I've tried that before as well, and I couldn't get it working - so I just added them to the base folder instead.  Of course, I only tried for like 30 seconds before saying "Eh, not worth the effort".

Huh? The AI Decensor mod is nothing but images replacing ones in the base game, and it's just the same folder structure.

The Pregnancy mod adds images to PCGeneralSex, and it does so by just using the same folder structure too.


Quote from: dcsobral on Apr 26, 2024, 07:53 PM
Quote from: DeniedInMontana on Apr 23, 2024, 11:02 AM
Quote from: ElPresidenete on Apr 23, 2024, 10:57 AMIf I want to add more images to GenericSex, do I have to put them in the bas folder, or can I put them in a mod (with the same folder name/structure) and the game will load both image sets?

I've tried that before as well, and I couldn't get it working - so I just added them to the base folder instead.  Of course, I only tried for like 30 seconds before saying "Eh, not worth the effort".

Huh? The AI Decensor mod is nothing but images replacing ones in the base game, and it's just the same folder structure.

The Pregnancy mod adds images to PCGeneralSex, and it does so by just using the same folder structure too.

Yeah I'm aware.  At the time I was trying to deal with the images in the AllImages file, I was half asleep and not very patient.  Probably would have been fine if loaded in mod folder as first mod loaded, so that the other mods knew it was there when they loaded as well, but not something that occurred to me at the time.  As I said, only tried for like 30 seconds, lol!

ElPresideneteTopic starter

An interaction/event attached to a person - is that it's own instance?
In other words, if there's a int varialbe that is incremented inside, will it be shared by all NPC's who have that event attached, or will each persons event look at it's own int value?


Quote from: ElPresidenete on Jul 10, 2024, 07:15 AMAn interaction/event attached to a person - is that it's own instance?
In other words, if there's a int varialbe that is incremented inside, will it be shared by all NPC's who have that event attached, or will each persons event look at it's own int value?
If they are all using the same initial event, I believe each time the event is run the increment will increase.  However, if each NPC is using a separate copy in their own folder of the event, that should only effect that particular increment instead.

ElPresideneteTopic starter

I figured as much. Updatinghte slave handler and was wondering how to keep track of the slaves training in specific areas.
I have a Slave Training Skill that is added toa NPC, but I was thinking of finding a better way of tracking individual trainings (oral ,vaginal, etc..)

The only solution I cna think of ATM is to add more skills, but it doesn't seem worth the effort.


I bought a home computer, why can't I use it?  :P

⚧ Squark

It has to go in the Your Home zone. There should be an option to Set Up the home computer.
Don't try to use it from your inventory; that would be a bad time for all concerned.