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Fresh worlds

Started by spirit22, Jun 07, 2022, 07:40 PM

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spirit22Topic starter

So... I used to make my own small games based on HHS+, but I can't for the life of me get a new world to work as there seems to be alot of stuff needed that is not in the "template" school... I'm guessing I'm just out of practice as it took me a while to realise I had no paperdoll handlers, images, locations or anything, but even after adding those the game throws a bunch of errors (like halting init due to multiple instances of the same person or something).

In short, is there (or could there be) a totaly bare-boned school folder that people could use to build their own worlds, with the basics (generic adult/student PD handlers, a starting event and location and such)?


Afaik, "Template school" scenario is not up to date right now. So there are no easy way to get it running quick. However we do plan to fix it (unfortunately no estimates on that).

spirit22Topic starter

I'll ressurect this one, since I'm struggling with something of the same, but probably just a really stupid thing....

I can't for the life of me get a new world based on the template to load the correct worldextension... Is it listed somewhere in a config that I havn't found, or is it just based on the filename ("BASE_schoolname")?

EDIT: Well... What can I say.... it was a mixup of capital/small letter, an old reference to the smallville map and now it's working... I knew it was something stupid...