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Character placement

Started by kungfucharly, Sep 04, 2024, 02:12 PM

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kungfucharlyTopic starter

I am currently experimenting with AI generated images for the various location scenes in the game.  The issue with this is that when the characters are placed on top of the scene, their feet are positioned at vectors suitable for the old image.  How can I instruct the program to place characters within new boundaries defined by me?


The location folder contains a layout.xml that defines the positions where characters can pop up. It's a bit try and error to get right. I think the settings or debug menu had an option to enable "hot-reloading" of those files, so you can edit and save the XML and see the changes reflected instantly when you refresh the location ingame.

kungfucharlyTopic starter

Thanks, that's really helpful.

In the case of the Principal's Office, what is it about this instruction that ensures that the desk is placed in front of the player's character?



I think the VOffset basically acts like a Z-index. Elements with a numerically higher VOffset are drawn before elements with a numerically lower VOffset.

While the VOffset still primarily influences whether something will show up in the top or bottom of the screen, since stuff at the top is usually in the background and stuff at the bottom in the foreground, using it as Z-index still makes it work.

kungfucharlyTopic starter

It's really quite confusing because if I change the value to -0.11 or -0.09, the desk appears behind the player's character.