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[SUGGESTION] Girls disobey sex rule

Started by storm4n, Aug 12, 2022, 06:45 PM

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storm4nTopic starter

There should be an absolute rule for this, I was checking on BKfunctions and it seems there's code for it... because suddenly all of my girls started disobeying and just fucking everyone that asked.

# If MC has ruled out sex acts with customers
                    if girl.flags["forbid customer sex"]:
                        ob_target = girl.get_stat("obedience")*2 + girl.mood//5 - girl.get_stat("libido")

                        if girl.is_("very dom"):
                            ob_target -= 50
                        elif girl.is_("dom"):
                            ob_target -= 25
                        elif girl.is_("very sub"):
                            ob_target += 50
                        elif girl.is_("sub"):
                            ob_target += 25

                        if girl.remembers("punish", "fooled around"):
                            ob_target += 25

                        if dice(250) > ob_target:
                            resisted_rule = True

                    s_act = "naked"

                s_des = {"naked" : "strip naked for him", "service" : "take care of his cock", "sex" : "have sex with him", "anal" : "let him fuck her ass", "fetish" : "do kinky stuff with him"}

                d = dice(3)

                # Naked event
                if s_act == "naked":

                    if d == 1: # Obedience
                        text1 = "{size=" + str(res_font(18)) + "}" + __("Customers started clamoring for ") + + __(" to strip naked. Soon, she found herself surrounded by horny customers trying to rip her clothes off.")

                        r = girl.get_stat("obedience") - dice(250)

                        if r > 0:
                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_green]}Knowing that customers are always right, she let them take her clothes off one by one until she is completely naked.{/color}")
                            extra_changes.append(("obedience", girl.change_stat("obedience", dice(3))))
                            extra_changes.append(("reputation", girl.change_stat("reputation", 1)))

                            accepted = True

                        elif r > -50:
                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_yellow]}The customers were really insistant, so she agreed to go topless.{/color}\nThe customers would have wanted more, but were happy to fondle her naked breasts while she worked nonetheless.")
                            extra_changes.append(("obedience", girl.change_stat("obedience", 1)))


                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_red]}She screamed and pushed the customers away, making a fuss.{/color}\nSeveral customers left, muttering that they had seen churches that were wilder than your brothel.")
                            extra_changes.append(("reputation", girl.change_stat("reputation", -1)))
                            extra_changes.append(("brothel reputation", brothel.change_rep(-1*customers[0].rank)))

                    elif d == 2: # Libido
                        text1 = "{size=" + str(res_font(18)) + "}" + __("A horny customer started undressing in the middle of the ") + __(job_room_dict[girl.job]) + __(". He dared %s to do the same.") %

                        r = girl.get_stat("libido") - dice(250)

                        if r > 0:
                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_green]}She was feeling horny and liked the customer, so she agreed.{/color}")
                            extra_changes.append(("libido", girl.change_stat("libido", dice(3))))
                            extra_changes.append(("reputation", girl.change_stat("reputation", 1)))

                            accepted = True

                        elif r > -50:
                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_yellow]}She felt shy and refused, but the customer started grinding against her, lifting her skirt and shirt to give everyone a glimpse at her body.{/color}\nShe felt a little aroused.")
                            extra_changes.append(("libido", girl.change_stat("obedience", 1)))


                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_red]}She told the customer to put his clothes on before she called security.{/color}\nThe customer was upset and left.")
                            extra_changes.append(("reputation", girl.change_stat("reputation", -1)))
                            extra_changes.append(("brothel reputation", brothel.change_rep(-1*customers[0].rank)))

                    elif d == 3: # Sensitivity
                        text1 = "{size=" + str(res_font(18)) + "}" + __("A drunk customer told %s he loved her, and that he would be the happiest man in Zan if she would show him her heavenly body.") %

                        r = girl.get_stat("sensitivity") - dice(250)

                        if r > 0:
                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_green]}All the customers then started begging %s to do it, so she felt she couldn't refuse.{/color}") %
                            extra_changes.append(("sensitivity", girl.change_stat("sensitivity", dice(3))))
                            extra_changes.append(("reputation", girl.change_stat("reputation", 1)))

                            accepted = True

                        elif r > -50:
                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_yellow]}She refused, but the man kept pleading her and was soon joined by other customers.{/color}\nEventually, she agreed to flash her boobs to keep the crowd happy. It turned her on a little.")
                            extra_changes.append(("sensitivity", girl.change_stat("sensitivity", 1)))


                            text1 += __("\n{color=[c_red]}She snapped and yelled at the customer.{/color}\nHe left unhappy. Other customers overheard and grumbled disapprovingly.")
                            extra_changes.append(("reputation", girl.change_stat("reputation", -1)))
                            extra_changes.append(("brothel reputation", brothel.change_rep(-1*customers[0].rank)))

                    if accepted:
                        pic = girl.get_pic(perform_job_dict[act + "_tags"], "naked", and_tags = "naked", not_tags = all_sex_acts + ["group", "bisexual", "beast", "monster"])
                        pic = work_pic

                    events.append(Event(pic, char = girl.char, text = text1, changes = get_change_text(extra_changes), type = ev_type))

The problem is I don't know how to fix this, I mean as far as I know I have to delete the rpyc then edit the rpy and re-run the game or SHIFT-R while ingame?

I mean what's a quick fix for this to stop happening and use it in my actual save?

thanks in advance! ;D

Reaaaally wish there was a way to get trust and love into account, I'm not doing a whoremonger run I just got waitresses and strippers with very specific characters with virgin traits and such and then everyone gets a ride on them lolol


I do agree that it should be an absolute rule, or at least 0 chance to break the rule at high obedience.

Though, don't just changing the code and deleting the rpyc file fix it?

EDIT: If you meant how to change the code, just change

resisted_rule = Trueto
#resisted_rule = True


Yeah the code needs a bit of cleaning, it's too punishing at low level I guess. Here's what I would change:

Quote# If MC has ruled out sex acts with customers
                    if girl.flags["forbid customer sex"]:
                        ob_target = girl.get_stat("obedience")*2 + girl.mood//5 - girl.get_stat("libido")

                        if girl.is_("very dom"):
                            ob_target -= 50
                        elif girl.is_("dom"):
                            ob_target -= 25
                        elif girl.is_("very sub"):
                            ob_target += 50
                        elif girl.is_("sub"):
                            ob_target += 25

                        if girl.remembers("punish", "fooled around"):
                            ob_target += 25

                        if dice(girl.rank*50) > ob_target:
                            resisted_rule = True
Maker of BK. Looking for the latest patch for BK 0.2? The link doesn't change, so bookmark it!