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[Resources] Chris' Job Mod Turbo

Started by Jman, Jul 08, 2024, 09:03 PM

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JmanTopic starter

Can also be skipped by using the Headhunter and bypassing the slave-buying altogether.

A proper fix would be up to Goldo. Something like:
            if girl.job:

                call dialogue(girl, "rest") from _call_dialogue_93

                sill "Are you sure? Slacking off on her first day?"
                sill "Well, you know best, Master. Please ask if you have any questions."
                "Press the '?' button in the top right corner to obtain information on the game or your current screen."
                $ girls_firstvisit = False

                jump girls
Possibly locking this behind CJM being enabled. Oh, and the 'questions' in the '...' block have a typo (you are allowed only one question :P ).
And with strange aeons even death may die...


I have some strange problem. I can't make a girl a whore.
If I understand correctly the requirements of a whore
whore_test = 250 ## Minimum value of Obedience + Libido + sex skills modifier to become a whoreIt's worth immediately clarifying 250/3=83 for each characteristic. That is, it is impossible to turn a C-rank girl into a whore :P
But on top of it there is another check for unknown reasons.
if self.get_stat("obedience") + self.get_stat("libido") + (self.get_stat("service") + self.get_stat("sex") + self.get_stat("anal") + self.get_stat("fetish")) / 4.0 + max(self.get_stat("service"), max(self.get_stat("sex"), max(self.get_stat("anal"), self.get_stat("fetish")))) >= (whore_test / cheat_modifier["stats"]) + modifier:The immediate question is what is a modifier? "modifier = self.get_sex_act_modifier()"
For example, there is a girl and I can't force her to be a whore

Let me try to calculate using the formula:

JmanTopic starter

Yes, C-rank girls can't be whores. I think in Bonanza even E/D-rank girls had trouble.

The 'check for unknown reasons' is the 'sex skills modifier'. The 'get_sex_act_modifier()' in that actually seems broken, since 0.3 still seems to have both 'sex acts requirements' and 'sex act requirements'. Right now, the game calls for the first, but only a few evil powers have that, while the thing that really should give the modifier, like 'Square' or 'Prude', don't.

But your girl should be able to whore. I tried, and someone with similar stats did pass the check. So something else must be going on there, and I don't think I can address that without a save.

Edit: Unless you have a 'cheat modifier' significantly below one? :o
And with strange aeons even death may die...


Quote from: Jman on Oct 09, 2024, 06:14 PMBut your girl should be able to whore. I tried, and someone with similar stats did pass the check. So something else must be going on there, and I don't think I can address that without a save.
I have 2 girls and both are supposed to be whores. And both refuse, when you click on designating them as whores, Libido/Obedience too low appears in the upper left corner, instead of Libido/Obedience/Sex skills too low, that is, in order for them to be whores they need libido + obedience to be a total of 250+
Quote from: Jman on Oct 09, 2024, 06:14 PMEdit: Unless you have a 'cheat modifier' significantly below one? :o
I'm playing on "brothel king" difficulty, as far as I understand there are no changes to the requirements for whores.

JmanTopic starter

Well, it looks like CJMT is not active in your game. Try activating it from the '?' menu.

AFAIK, difficulty and cheat modifiers are separate.
And with strange aeons even death may die...


Quote from: Jman on Oct 09, 2024, 06:53 PMWell, it looks like CJMT is not active in your game. Try activating it from the '?' menu.
::)  ::)
Indeed, you can immediately turn them into whores after turning on the mod... That is, I wasted several game months because of this, trying to understand what the problem is...
But the mod worked for ordinary jobs, why didn't it work for whores? And initially in the settings the mod shows that it is enabled :P

JmanTopic starter

IDK, it does seem that most of the mod is active in the save. Perhaps you had an older version of the mod when you started the game, or maybe this whole code replacement thing doesn't actually work all that well. I've tinkered with that part of the mod several times.

I lean towards it being a holdout from an older version, since the code for both whores and work is in the same function. If it doesn't work for whores, it won't work for other jobs, either.

The mod showing as being enabled and it actually being enabled are not always the same. Goldo's mod system doesn't always run the init label when it should.

New version uploaded.

I looked into this, tinkered with the code a little, and uploaded a new version. Enabling and disabling the mod should work as intended, but for some reason the 'will_do' function code gets 'stuck' after disabling and needs a recompile (either dev tool or restarting the game) to actually go back to original behaviour. This kinda looks like what happened to Rewsrer, CJMT code working with non-CJMT thresholds (0 for anything non-whoring). No idea how the mod became disabled, but I've noticed mods getting turned off for some reason or other for years now. Might be linked to several versions of BK being in use at once?
And with strange aeons even death may die...


Perhaps people delete or move their persistent data?
Maker of BK. Looking for the latest patch for BK 0.2? The link doesn't change, so bookmark it!


Quote from: Jman on Oct 10, 2024, 09:09 AMMight be linked to several versions of BK being in use at once?
I installed the latest version of the game on a new PC a week ago and immediately installed mods. Everything worked as it should. Then Goldo released a patch, I installed patch and apparently patch broke mod? I didn't do anything other than install the patch(after the patch I started a new game).

JmanTopic starter

I don't think my remark applies to your situation. It's more likely something related to that 'code changes don't apply until recompile' thing I noted before.

Mods getting disabled is just something I've been noticing quite a bit, and it is I who has been switching between 0.15, 0.2 and 0.3 with some frequency. No change in persistent data, though, I think that's shared between all of them?
And with strange aeons even death may die...


This mod is currently bugged, the function replacement system doesn't work. Issues start when you restart your game. For some reason renpy doesn't like saving __code__, which causes it to revert to the old will_do function if you don't manually activate/update the mod. I don't know the labyrinthine ways renpy saving works, so I would recommend just doing what traitking does. This seems to fix it by doing what traiking does in reverse, you replace the function but always revert to the original function if the mod isn't active, bypassing any reliance on save data, except the mod being active.

init -1 python:
    will_do_orig = Girl.will_do
    def will_do_new(self, job, silent=False):

        if not game.has_active_mod("chrisjobmod"):
            return will_do_orig(self, job, silent=False)

        if job == "whore":

            modifier = self.get_sex_act_modifier()

            if self.get_stat("obedience") + self.get_stat("libido") + (self.get_stat("service") + self.get_stat("sex") + self.get_stat("anal") + self.get_stat("fetish")) / 4.0 + max(self.get_stat("service"), max(self.get_stat("sex"), max(self.get_stat("anal"), self.get_stat("fetish")))) >= (whore_test / cheat_modifier["stats"]) + modifier:
                if self.will_do_anything():
                    return True
                elif not silent:
                    notify("No sex acts available for whoring", pic=self.portrait)
            elif not silent:
                notify("Libido/Obedience/Sex skills too low", pic=self.portrait)
            return False

        elif job == "waitress":

            if self.get_stat("obedience") + self.get_stat("charm") >= (waitress_test / cheat_modifier["stats"]):
                return True
            elif not silent:
                notify("Obedience/Charm too low", pic=self.portrait)
            return False

        elif job == "dancer":

            if self.get_stat("libido") + self.get_stat("body") + self.get_stat("obedience") >= (dancer_test / cheat_modifier["stats"]):
                return True
            elif not silent:
                notify("Libido/Obedience/Body too low", pic=self.portrait)
            return False

        elif job == "masseuse":

            if self.get_stat("libido") + self.get_stat("beauty") + self.get_stat("body") + self.get_stat("obedience") >= (masseuse_test / cheat_modifier["stats"]):
                return True
            elif not silent:
                notify("Libido/Obedience/Beauty/Body too low", pic=self.portrait)
            return False

        elif job == "geisha":

            if self.get_stat("beauty") + 2 * self.get_stat("refinement") + self.get_stat("sensitivity") + self.get_stat("obedience") >= (geisha_test / cheat_modifier["stats"]):
                return True
            elif not silent:
                notify("Refinement/Obedience/Beauty/Sensitivity too low", pic=self.portrait)
            return False

            return True
    Girl.will_do = will_do_new

Unrelated but if you use the autoreload Shift+r dev function all mods are disabled in the mod list but seem to still be considered active.

JmanTopic starter

Uploaded a new version with Pekpuu's fix, slightly modified for sanity-checking.

Yeah, function code saving seems kinda borked. Even 'Girl.will_do = will_do_new' won't stick if it's part of a save. I guess I have to go with this solution, then.

And thanks for noticing and suggesting a fix!

As an aside, while script reloading puts mods as 'disabled', quitting and restarting seems to restore your old mod list just fine. Another weird Ren'Py thing, I guess.
And with strange aeons even death may die...


Hey I wanted to ask what the differences are between this and the 0.2 Chris Job's Mod?

JmanTopic starter

Basically, the numbers are bigger, waitress < dancer < masseuse < geisha and  service < sex < anal < fetish, including performance penalties and stat-blocking to access but considerably bigger tip payouts.
And with strange aeons even death may die...


Brother "Jman", I often confuse the difference between "Chris' Job Mod" and "Jman's Chris' Job Mod Turbo: Bonanza Edition" and don't know which one to choose.

Can you explain the difference between these two MODs in detail?

Should I use "Jman's Chris' Job Mod Turbo: Bonanza Edition" first when playing the new "v0.3" test version?