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[Resources] Job Selection Mod from A&O

Started by vadi92, Feb 03, 2025, 02:46 PM

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vadi92Topic starter

Description (also included in the txt file in the rar) :

What's new:
Copy the files in attachment in your games folder (BK 0.3 test required) for a more versatile management of your girls' jobs (waitress, masseuse, dancer, geisha).

Version 1.20250202 for 0.3 test
Just like with sex acts, you'll be able to allow each girl to work in more than only one role. However, you can't have a girl work a job where you don't have the room. And each day, a girl will only perform in one job. So, a girl allowed to work as both a geisha and masseuse might work as a masseuse on the first day, and a geisha on the second day.
Sill will oversee assigning each girl to tonight's job. Sill will do so before the brothel opens and customers arrive, but after any sick or striking girls have declared their unwillingness to work.
The decision where to work will be taken individually for each girl, based on:
- The jobs the girl is assigned to
- The girl's 4 main attributes (Charm, Beauty, Body, Refinement) -> girls are more likely to be assigned their best job
- Each room's size (max customers) -> the bigger the room, the more girls are needed to work the associated job
- The number of other girls that can work each job -> the more girls can work the given job, the less likely it is that each girl individually will be assigned that job
And if you have no confidence in Sill's management abilities (sometimes she will do silly assignments – pun intended), you can still do it the old way. Simply assign only a single job to a girl if you want her to work at a specific job. You will notice no difference to the original version of BK. Other than a little new line in the girls-screen.
This mod does not impact the way the jobs work in themselves. It touches neither the requirements, bonuses nor rewards for each job. A charming girl will still be a better waitress than a girl with little charm.

Technical changelog

New lines: 761 to 796
activates the job randomizer after sick/striking girls and before jobbing starts

New lines 1870 to 1903:
Adds the job selection buttons to the status screen. They are situated between the main skills and the sex skills. They appear as orange only if the room is available.
New lines 2120 to 2122:
Changes tooltip on mouse-over when selecting a girl's assignment (the 4x2 pop-up grid).

Edit: Dont know if the included image are showing up to you guys but for me it dosn't.


Seems a bit crude but a welcome return.

Although, why is A&O not posting this themselves?

As to the images, you want to link to the actual image, like this (quote to see the difference):
And with strange aeons even death may die...

vadi92Topic starter

Quote from: Jman on Feb 03, 2025, 05:46 PMAlthough, why is A&O not posting this themselves?

We discussed this in another thread before that he will send it to me as i can make a pernament download link for it using my mediafire account. Didn't you remember it? :P

If you forgoten it it's in this thread:


I get why you're linking the mod. I don't really get why he's not posting the not-link part.
And with strange aeons even death may die...

vadi92Topic starter

Well i already made the post anyway. And it will be easier to update if there is any changes from him to the mod then going back and forth with the message's as the only thing he need to do is to send me the files to my e-mail adress.


I mean, that's the part I don't get. It'd be easier for A&O to modify their own post rather than wait on you for both the link and the edit. Which are not necessarily going to happen at the same time.

But, do as you wish. Ideally, the thread should also have the '[Resources]' tag in the title.
And with strange aeons even death may die...

vadi92Topic starter

The link wont change as the only thing i need to do is just to overwrite the existing file with the new one. And im pretty much come online here atleast once every day out of habit.


Hi there, mod-maker here.

First of all a big THANK YOU !!! to vadi, who was so kind as to upload the mod for me.

As to why I didn't post myself... well, I didn't want to post without the link, and vadi took the initiative to create a post after I sent them the mod the previous day. There again, thank you very much!
I have been away since I sent the mod last Sunday, so I only discover now that the thread has been created, which is 3 days earlier than the best that I could have done.

Quote from: Jman on Feb 03, 2025, 05:46 PMSeems a bit crude
What do you consider crude ?
The announcement ? The mod content ? The mod files ? The interface ?
As always, any detailed feedback is welcome


Mainly the fact that it overwrites base game files and doesn't use the mod system.

Personally, I'd also move the checkboxes after the first four stats, similar to the sex act boxes. Perhaps there's a way to change the checkmarks to e.g. 'W' for waitress, too?
And with strange aeons even death may die...


I am open to any advise how a mod file can alter existing screens and the middle of the end-of-day chain without having to modify the main files. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have some ideas from your Bonaza times @Jman

I have thought of putting the checkboxes next to the corresponding main stats, but I saw some inconveniences :
1) if I waitress were next to charm, what would be the text without making it too long ? "[Checkbox] Charm"? "[Checkbox] Waitress"? "[Checkbox] Charm/Waitress"? "Charm [Checkbox] Waitress"?
It is possible to abreviate to only the first or first 3 letters like "Charm [Checkbox] Wai", though that seems less intuitive to undestand.
2) Waitress depends only to 60% on charm, whereas it also draws 20% on constitution and 10% on each body and beauty. So putting it next to charm might be missleading.

On that note, what are your thoughts on showing all job and sex levels without having to mouseover on the stat overview ? I really like it when checking my girls, but it takes some extra space


I'm not aware of any way to alter screens without touching game code, short of writing your own screen and manipulating renpy file priority or perhaps something more official to overwrite the original. And that's more or less the same as your current solution, since there's no precice injection into possibly changing screen code.

But you can ask Goldo for mod hooks into screens. I'm not sure, but I think there was some discussion about something similar not too long ago? At least for your own mod, it's certainly possible.

About end-of-day, I think you can use 'mod.night_label' to let Sill do the reshuffling before the night actually starts. Sounds more realistic that way, too. If that fails, asking Goldo for another mod hook into end-of-day sounds preferable.

For the checkboxes, I was imagining something like "[Checkbox] Charm" or "[Wait] Charm". And while charm is not the totality of waitressing, we already have precedent for the two being linked in UI, since job capacity has been displayed in the tooltip for the corresponding stat for a while now.

Personally, I kinda dislike seeing all the different job levels all the time. Seems like unnecessary clutter for most purposes, since the full info complete with progress levels is available with a quick hover. But that's just me. :)
And with strange aeons even death may die...