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[Feedback] *BUG REPORTS* Stable version only (v0.2)

Started by Goldo, May 13, 2022, 09:52 AM

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From F95zone,
Quote from: Silito13, post: 8128107, member: 1116On mac (after the patch) I am getting "The application can't be opened" error. Any help for those running it on mac
MacOS, Macbook, Apple, permissions, execute

This could unfortunately be the result of my editing the Mac install pack with Windows to change a file, which could have messed up file execute permissions.
(It was to have options.rpy config.version value set to end with "R" to indicate unpatched.)

Here are some fixes that worked on other games. Note the Mac version is relatively unsupported.
I predict that May 5, 2022, the US Dow Jones index will drop over 1,063 points.
It's a sure thing.

If we believe absurdities we shall commit atrocities. -- Voltaire
Advice from the radio: Wash your hands, often with soap and water.
My doctor put me on the Pro Plan® Bright Mind™ diet.


hey i dunno if i saved mod somewhere i shouldnt or something but i get this error when i open mod file in main menu any help would be appreciated, thanks

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'mods/Trait King/title.webm'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
    python hide:
  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
    python hide:
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 3325, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 4025, in interact_core
  File "renpy/audio/", line 1162, in periodic
    raise_(exc[0], exc[1], exc[2])
  File "renpy/audio/", line 1140, in periodic_thread_main
  File "renpy/audio/", line 1082, in periodic_pass
  File "renpy/audio/", line 518, in periodic
    topf = load(filename)
  File "renpy/audio/", line 69, in load
    rv = renpy.loader.load(fn)
  File "renpy/", line 798, in load
    raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'mods/Trait King/title.webm'.

Brothel King 0.2 v220519
Wed Jun  1 18:50:43 2022


Slightly off-topic: I would recommend adding "Start a new game when installing a new patch" to the Do-s and Don't-s for Reporting Bugs.
Download My High Quality Girlpacks
Belldandy, Urd, Kaenbyou Rin, Jessica Albert, Kino Makoto (Sailor Jupiter), Temari, Tohsaka Rin, Pyra, Lyndis, Atago, Zelda, Kasumi, Camilla, Ningguang


Quote from: j01ntr0l1a on Jun 02, 2022, 01:53 AMhey i dunno if i saved mod somewhere i shouldnt or something but i get this error when i open mod file in main menu any help would be appreciated, thanks

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'mods/Trait King/title.webm'.

Regarding this bug: I'm not sure if Trait King was updated to work with new versions of BK. Can someone confirm this?
Other than that, I'm surprised to see the WebM file extension in the error message. That's a video file format.

What files do exist in your Trait King folder?
Download My High Quality Girlpacks
Belldandy, Urd, Kaenbyou Rin, Jessica Albert, Kino Makoto (Sailor Jupiter), Temari, Tohsaka Rin, Pyra, Lyndis, Atago, Zelda, Kasumi, Camilla, Ningguang


Quote from: Ch12 on Jun 02, 2022, 03:10 AM
Quote from: j01ntr0l1a on Jun 02, 2022, 01:53 AMhey i dunno if i saved mod somewhere i shouldnt or something but i get this error when i open mod file in main menu any help would be appreciated, thanks

Regarding this bug: I'm not sure if Trait King was updated to work with new versions of BK. Can someone confirm this?
Ever since Trait King's hooks were introduced in BK 0.2 I can't recall having to update the mod once due to a vanilla game patch.
It very much looks like the mod was improperly installed. It consists of the following files which are all required:

game/Mods/Trait King/Trait King.rpy
game/Mods/Trait King/title.webm
My Girl Packs: [ link ] - Trait King mod: [ link ]


Two reports from F95

#1: BK.ini naming schemes don't always stick

Quote from: cosmonight19, post: 8274350, member: 4313842for people that have the BB and Karin packs i made, are the name settings in the ini file working? i don't see anything wrong when i check the files on my end but in-game their names aren't generating correctly but packs from other people are. for Karin, any clones should still keep "Kakudate" in their name and the original should be named "Kakudate Karin" but in my game all Karin clones generate without last names and the original comes up as "Karin (Blue Archive)". i didn't really care too much to worry about it for those two but it seems to be affecting every pack i've made since BB since the one i'm working on right now isn't generating properly either

Possibly related to this bug?

Quote from: RudolfU, post: 8070719, member: 169196I mean, my problem was not with saving the file (as i usually allowed clones in testing), but with them having keep_last_name = False in config, but in game they all generated with same last name (i thought it was because of keep_init line before). After small test rignt now, i found interesting bug - if game setting in BK have yes set to save first or last name for clones, it will take preference over .ini False setting ( even if use clonning name settings from .ini = yes). So you can have .ini file with keep_first_name = True, keep_last_name = False and game settings with keep first name: no, keep last name = yes, use ini settings = yes - clones will generate saving both first and last names :unsure:

Edit: My guess about naming bug : in BK functions.rpy lines ~3301- 3306, after checking for cloning options in ini, BK checks persistent.keep_firstname (game settings) and only if both checks are False it gets randomized. I probably will change those checks in my copy, but  maybe someone can report that to dev to fix globally :)

#2 Mindtrick spell should specify duration="turn". In its current state it's infinite.

Spell('Mindtrick', 'mindtrick.webp', type="trick", level=24, cost=10, effects=[Effect("boost", "job customer budget", 0.25, scope="brothel"), Effect("boost", "whore customer budget", 0.25, scope="brothel")], duration="turn", description="Learnt that trick from an old bum called Zobiwan. He was good at escorting druids, though.")
My Girl Packs: [ link ] - Trait King mod: [ link ]


On the above issue, analysis on F95 continued.  From Araminth, and confirmed by  cosmonight19:


So I've noticed this when using the BK.ini generating tool, my packs were generating with random names and I'm not sure why but a fix I found was simply to add a space between the " and the ; in the ini so instead of "Karin"; and "Kakudate"; it's "Karin" ; and "Kakudate" ; (and also inverted_names = False ; since idk which part fixed it)

Mega link for all my Brothel King girl packs:

Mega link for my loli packs:


Copy/pasted from F95:

My concern whit the game now is the lag i am esperiencing. Mostly, but not only, in the girls screen i have a terrible latency between the input and the command execution.
Before changing the Renpy graphic settings from "auto" to GL2 Renderer, this latency could reach 5-6 seconds very often!
Now is around 1 second at worst.
I have used all the tricks already posted in this thread. Another note worth mentioning is that in the console appears a message about a memory leak warning.
Another user said that he had the same issue and he got an "update" file from the old forum, i am running an updated game and this problem never happened whit the v. 0.15b.
And before you pc is not a potato  ::)   


Quote from: Justinof on Jun 06, 2022, 01:45 AMMy concern whit the game now is the lag i am esperiencing. Mostly, but not only, in the girls screen i have a terrible latency between the input and the command execution.

Gone thru the fixes I know of; they are already in latest update.
One thing that could cause latency is having girlpack grades always visible. There was a suggestion to cache ratings, but I don't think it was done.

What version are you running?

Did you install new Release ver 0.2 base code properly (see FAQ)?
I predict that May 5, 2022, the US Dow Jones index will drop over 1,063 points.
It's a sure thing.

If we believe absurdities we shall commit atrocities. -- Voltaire
Advice from the radio: Wash your hands, often with soap and water.
My doctor put me on the Pro Plan® Bright Mind™ diet.


Quote from: DougTheC on Jun 06, 2022, 05:22 AMOne thing that could cause latency is having girlpack grades always visible. There was a suggestion to cache ratings, but I don't think it was done.
I am aware of this, girls grades are enabled only for city and slavemarket.

Quote from: DougTheC on Jun 06, 2022, 05:22 AMWhat version are you running?

Did you install new Release ver 0.2 base code properly (see FAQ)?
I have installed v. 0.2 "release" of late February, patched whit latest patch available to date 23/03, started a new game after moving all girl packs i was using whit v. 0.15b.
The problem appeared almost immediately, but since i was using the integrated gpu at that time due to a failure of the gaming gpu, i wasn't concerned much.

In the meantime i have patched the game 2 times until the last 19/05 release and installed a new Gpu.
I did not start a new game after 2nd and 3rd patch. I have changed the renpy rendering from Auto to GL2, and this solved partially the latency. Then i have raised the cache size up to 2048, enabled the memory refreshing, nothing helped.
I have made some slight adjustments to raise max girls in brothel and some minor changes, but this after the latency came up.
I use the Trait king mod (updated).


I've encountered a bug involving advanced training for slaves on my vanilla game. Randomly slaves that should have advanced training unlocked will go back to being locked into regular training only. When this first happened I installed the latest patch and hoped it would fix the issue, but after 2 weeks I've encountered the issue again. Training and exploring positive and negative fixations is something I quite enjoy in BK, so this bug really got under my skin.

My only hunch so far is that I think it has something to do with a new week starting.


Some food for thought from our hero in exile, in response to Justinof experiencing lag with a modified default brothel size. No real urgency considering the circumstances, but I felt compelled to pass it along because he included a magical phrase... Damn wizard players.

Quote from: Jman9, post: 8291111, member: 1528105(...)

You're also insane. :eek: 100+ girls in the brothel... if I had a hat I'd take it off for you. No wonder the girls screen lags. Try getting rid of them until you get back to vanilla numbers and see how the lag is then.

I do think Goldo can help this a bit by either paging the girls or using vpgrid instead of viewport. A certain rodent might suggest it to him. :)

Also, your save size is out of control and Goldo should take a hard look at what he's storing there. Especially since you only have about two years' worth of logs. config.save_dump can help some.
My Girl Packs: [ link ] - Trait King mod: [ link ]


Well im not suprised that it's lagging with 100+ girl's. I already start to get some lag from around ~20 girl's in the girl's screen. ::)


Justinof, a few questions to hopefully help pinpoint the problem:
  • The game worked normally for you with 0.15b, correct?
    (Then we can rule out hardware problems)
  • Did you try deleting all savedata when reinstalling?
    (Both in game\saves as well as C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Bro King-somenumber simultaneously)
  • I fixed a very similar bug for 0.2b when it was released.
    Did you really install the latest patch correctly?
    Can you please open game\BKmain.rpy and post 5 lines of code, starting from line 1146?
    (Should start with elif result == "assign": )
  • When exactly do the lags happen?
    When you open the girl screen?
    When you switch girls?
    • Only when you first click on a girl?
    • Even when you switch back and forth between the same two girls?
    • When you level up, and assign the attribute points?
    In general, a short description of when lags are happening and how exactly they manifest would help.

I still suspect that you bug is the one I found in the release of 0.2 - a lot of people were having similar problems then. Please make double sure that you installed the patch correctly:
- extract to the correct directory
- you should be asked to overwrite files, which you have to answer with 'yes/allow'
Download My High Quality Girlpacks
Belldandy, Urd, Kaenbyou Rin, Jessica Albert, Kino Makoto (Sailor Jupiter), Temari, Tohsaka Rin, Pyra, Lyndis, Atago, Zelda, Kasumi, Camilla, Ningguang


Trait King has 4 traits which use Effect("change", "mood", ...), including "Depressed" as depicted in the image below.
The default description for this effect is hardcoded into BKgirlclass.rpy as "She loves her outfit (Life of Luxury)". Could that be changed somehow?

My Girl Packs: [ link ] - Trait King mod: [ link ]